अश् [aś] I. 5 A. [अश्नुते, आनशे, आशिष्ट-आष्ट, अशिता-अष्टा, अशिष्यते-अक्ष्यते, अशितुम्-अष्टुम्, अशित-अष्ट]
To pervade, fill completely, penetrate; खं प्रावृषेण्यैरिव चानशेऽब्दैः
[Bk.2.3;] सदिगश्नुवानमिव विश्वमोजसा
[Ki.12.21;] [Śi.17.] 46.65;
To reach, go or come to, arrive at, attain to; नैष्कर्म्यं पुरुषोऽश्नुते
[Bg.3.4;] सर्वमानन्त्यमश्नुते
[Y.1.261.] To get, gain, obtain, enjoy, experience; अत्युत्कटैः पापपुण्यैरिहैव फलमश्नुते
[H.1.8;] उदयमस्तमयं च रघू- द्वहादुभयमानशिरे वसुधाधिपाः
[R.9.9;] न वेदफलमश्नुते
[Ms.1.19;] 4.149;5.46; अर्थज्ञ इत्सकलं भद्रमश्नुते Nir.; फलं दृशोरानशिरे महिष्यः
[N.6.43;] [Bg.3.4;] 5.21;
[Bk.3.37;5.14;] 14.19.
To become master of; to master, to be able (Ved.).
To heap, accumulate. With
अनु To reach, come up to.
to equal.
आ to reach to.
to obtain, get.
to addict oneself to.
उद् to reach to the top of.
to reach, obtain, get
to be master of.
उप to obtain, enjoy, acquire. न च लोकानुपाश्नुते Mb.; क्रियाफलमुपाश्नुते
[Ms.6.82,12.2,81.] to become master of.
-परि to reach, attain; fill competely, pervade.
-प्र to arrive at, reach, occupy; fill completely.
to fall to the lot of one (acc.). -II. 9. P. (rarely A.) [अश्नाति, आशीत्, आश, अशिता, अशिष्यति, अशित]
To eat, to consume; निवेद्य गुरवेऽश्नीयात्
[Ms.2.] 51; अश्नीमहि वयं भिक्षाम्
[Bh.3.117.] To taste, enjoy; यद्ददाति यदश्नाति तदेव धनिनो धनम्
[H.1.143-44;] अश्नन्ति दिव्यान् दिवि देवभोगान्
[Bg.9.2;] प्रत्यक्षं फलमश्नन्ति कर्मणाम् Mb. -Caus. (आशयति) To feed, give to eat, cause to eat or drink (with acc. of person); आशयच्चामृतं देवान् Sk.;
[Ms.3.83,] 94,219,22; (for derivatives from the causal see under आ). -With अति to precede or surpass in eating.
-उप to eat; taste, enjoy.