Dictionaries | References

   { a (अ), a }
Script: Devanagari

Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
A (अ)   The first letter (Vowel) of all Indian languages. According to the Nānārtharatnamālā this letter has the following meanings:--Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Śiva, tortoise, courtyard, battle, harem, jewellery, sea, Pārvatī and bowstring.

हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  हिंदी और संस्कृत के स्वर वर्ण का प्रथम अक्षर जिसके बिना व्यंजनों का उच्चारण संभव नहीं है   Ex. अ का उच्चारण कंठ से होता है इसलिए इसे कंठ्य वर्ण कहते हैं ।
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
स्वराक्षर अ स्वर अक्षर अ
urdالف(अ) , )अ)حرف

कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  जाच्या बगर व्यंजनांचें उच्चारण शक्य ना अशें कोंकणी स्वर वर्णाचें पयलें अक्षर   Ex. अ चें उच्चारण कंठान जाता देखून हाका कंठ्य वर्ण म्हणटात
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdالف(अ) , )अ)حرف

A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   a The first letter of the alphabet, and the inherent short vowel. It corresponds with A in its shortest or most obscure sound, as in sugar, mortar, collar, jocular. It is prefixed ad libitum to adjectives, substantives, and participles introduced from the Sanskrit; and, although with less frequency and with no elegance, to words purely Maráthí. Its senses or powers are-- I. Privation or negation: as अपार Boundless, अक्षय Imperishable. II. Deterioration: as अकीर्ति Ill fame, अकर्म A bad action, अनादर Disrespect. III. Diminution or deficiency: as अबोलणा or अबोल्या Taciturn, अबुद्धि Dull of understanding, अशिजा Imperfectly boiled. IV. Enhancement or transcendency: as अमानुष or अपौरुष Superhuman, अलौकिक Extraordinary. V. Return, reverting to the former state: as असुजणें To subside or swell down--a swelling, अहारणें To become unstrung: i.e. to lose its हार or wreath-form. अ thus bears the double sense or power of the English Un, viz. Negation, as in Unwise, unhappy, and the sense, little observed indeed, but worthy of all observation, of Return back or nullification, as in Unwind, untie, unfold, undo, and all the shades of the Privative and Deteriorative senses of the English Dis and In; and, as In becomes, by the laws of euphony, II, Im, Ir, so अ becomes अन, as in अनंत, अनक्षर, अनध्याय. Of the above senses of अ the first abounds, and only the well approved cases of its occurrence are inserted; the second is much less abounding; and the third, fourth, and fifth are very rare, scarcely affording an instance additional to those given.

Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   The 1st vowel; a prefix signifying negation.

मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  मराठी वर्णमालेतील स्वरामधील पहिले अक्षर ज्याशिवाय व्यंजनांचे उच्चारण शक्य नाही   Ex. अचे उच्चारण कंठातून होते म्हणून त्यास कंठ्य वर्ण म्हणतात.
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
अ अक्षर
urdالف(अ) , )अ)حرف

   वर्णमालेंतील पहिला स्वर.
या वर्णाचें सर्वांत जुनें स्वरुप अशोकाच्या गिरनार शिलालेखांत सांपडतें - ओझा ; ज्ञाको .
  पु. ब्रह्मा ; विष्णु ; महेश ; सूर्य ; अग्नि ; वायु ; ब्रह्म ; मोर .
   वर्गीकरणामध्यें उत्तम , प्रथम या अर्थी . अवर्ग बवर्ग इ० .
   उपसर्ग नकारार्थी प्रकार सात :
  1. त्यासारखें पण तें नव्हे .
    उदा. अब्राह्मण ( ब्राह्मणासारखा पण ब्राह्मण नव्हे ); अचक्षुदर्शन .
  2. अप्राशस्त्य ; अयोग्यता ; अनुचितपणा .
    उदा. अकाल ( अयोग्यकाल ); अवेळ ( अयोग्यवेळ ); अपथ्य .
  3. निषेध ; प्रतिषेध .
    उदा. अदर्शन .
  4. अभाव.
    उदा. अज्ञान ; अक्रोध .
  5. त्याहून इतर , किंवा भेद .
    उदा. अमनुष्य ( मनुष्येतर , जनावर वगैरे ).
  6. अल्पत्व;
    उदा.   कमीपणा. अबोल्या . अनुदरा ( कृशोदरी ); अशिजा ( अर्धवट शिजलेला ).
  7. विरोध ; उलटेपणा 
    उदा. अधर्म ; अनीति .

   निरर्थक . अघोर ( घोर ); अपरोक्ष ( पाठीमागें ).
 क्रि.वि.  मूळ स्थितीला जाणें . असुजणें ( सूज उतरणें ).

A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
   1. the first letter of the alphabet
   the first short vowel inherent in consonants.
   2. (प्रगृह्यq.v.), a vocative particle ([अ अनन्त, O विष्णु]), [T.]
   interjection of pity, Ah!
   3. (before a vowel अन्, exc. अ-ऋणिन्), a prefix corresponding to Gk., ἀν, Lat.in, Goth. and Germ.un, Eng.in or un, and having a negative or privative or contrary sense (अन्-एक not one; अन्-अन्त endless; अ-सत् not good; अ-पश्यत् not seeing)
अ-स्वप्तुम्   rarely prefixed to Inf. ( not to sleep, [TāṇḍyaBr.] ) and even to forms of the finite verb (अ-स्पृहयन्ति they do not desire, [BhP.] ; [Śiś.] ) and to pronouns (अ-सः not he, [Śiś.] ; अ-तद् not that, [BhP.] )
अ-ब्राह्मण   occasionally denoting comparison ( like a ब्रह्मन्, [T.] )
अ-यज्ञ   sometimes disparagement ( a miserable sacrifice)
अ-कर्ण   sometimes diminutiveness (cf., अन्-उदरा)
अ-कुप्य   rarely an expletive (cf., अ-पूप). According to, [Pāṇ. 6-2, 161] , the accent may be optionally either on the first or last syllable in certain compounds formed with (as अ॑-तीक्ष्ण or अ-तीक्ष्ण॑, अ॑-शुचि or अ-शुचि॑, अ॑न्-अन्न or अन्-अन्न॑)
तृ   the same applies to stems ending in accentuated on the first syllable before is prefixed
अ-तूर्त   cf. also and अ-तू॑र्त, अ॑-भिन्न and अ-भिन्न॑, &c.
   4 the base of some pronouns and pronom. forms, in अस्य, अत्र, &c.
   5. the augment prefixed to the root in the formation of the imperfect, aorist, and conditional tenses (in the वेद often wanting, as in Homer, the fact being that originally the augment was only prefixed in principal sentences where it was accentuated, whilst it was dropped in subordinate sentences where the root-vowel took the accent).
  m. 6.m.N. of विष्णु, [L.] (especially as the first of the three sounds in the sacred syllable ओम्).

The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अ [a]   The first letter of the alphabet; अक्षंराणामकारोऽस्मि [Bg.1.33.]
-अः [अवति, अतति सातत्येन तिष्ठतीति वा; अव्-अत् वा, ड   [Tv.] ]
  N. N. of Viṣṇu, the first of the three sounds constituting the sacred syllable ओम्; अकारो विष्णुरुद्दिष्ट उकारस्तु महेश्वरः । मकारस्तु स्मृतो ब्रह्मा प्रणवस्तु त्रयात्मकः ॥ For more explanations of the three syllables अ, उ, म् see ओम्.
  N. N. of Śiva, Brahmā, Vāyu, or Vaiśvānara. [अः कृष्णः शंकरो ब्रह्मा शक्रः सोमोऽनिलोऽनलः । सूर्यः प्राणो यमः कालो वसन्तः प्रणवः सुखी ॥ Enm. अः स्याद् ब्रह्मणि विष्ण्वीशकूर्माणङ्करणेषु च। गौरवेऽन्तःपुरे हेतौ भूषणेऽङ्घ्रावुमेज्ययोः ॥ Nm. अः शिखायां सिद्धमन्त्रे प्रग्राहेऽर्के रथार्वणि । चक्रे कुक्कुटमूर्ध्नीन्दुबिम्बे ब्रह्मेशविष्णुषु ॥ ibid. Thus अः means Kṛiṣṇa, Śiva, Brahmā, Indra, Soma, Vāyu, Agni, the Sun, the life-breath, Yama, Kāla, Vasanta, Praṇava, a happy man, a tortoise, a courtyard, a battle, greatness, a female apartment in a palace, an object or a cause, an ornament, a foot, Umā, sacrifice, a flame, a particularly efficacious mantra, reins, the horse of chariot, a wheel, the head of a cock, the disc of the moon]; ind.
   A Prefix corresponding to Latin in, Eng. in or un, Gr. a or an, and joined to nouns, adjectives, indeclinables (or rarely even to verbs) as a substitute for the negative particle ऩञ्, and changed to अन् before vowels (except in the word अ-ऋणिन्). The senses of न usually enumerated are six(a) सादृश्य 'likeness' or 'resemblance', अब्राह्मणः one like a Brāhmaṇa (wearing the sacred thread &c.), but not a Brāhmaṇa; a Kṣatriya, or a Vaiśya; अनिक्षुः a reed appearing like इक्षु, but not a true इक्षु. (b) अभाव 'absence', 'negation', 'want', 'privation'; अज्ञानम् absence of knowledge, ignorance; अक्रोधः, अनङ्गः, अकण्टकः, अघटः &c. (c) अन्यत्व 'difference' or 'distinction'; अपटः not a cloth, something different from, or other than, a cloth. (d) अल्पता 'smallness', 'diminution', used as a diminutive particle; अनुदरा having a slender waist (कृशोदरी or तनुमध्यमा). (e) अप्राशस्त्य 'badness', 'unfitness', having a depreciative sense; अकालः wrong or improper time; अकार्यम् not fit to be done, improper, unworthy, bad act. (f) विरोध 'opposition', 'contrariety'; अनीतिः the opposite of morality; immorality; असित not white, black; असुर not a god, a demon &c. These senses are put together in the following verse: तत्सादृश्यमभावश्च तदन्यत्वं तदल्पता । अप्राशस्त्यं विरोधश्च ऩञर्थाः षट् प्रकीर्तिताः ॥ See न also. With verbal derivatives, such as gerunds, infinitives, participles, it has usually the sense of 'not'; अदग्ध्वा not having burnt; अपश्यन् not seeing; so असकृत् not once; अमृषा, अकस्मात् &c. Sometimes in बहुव्रीहि अ does not affect the sense of the second member: अ-पश्चिम that which has no last, i. e. best, topmost; e. g. विपश्चितामपश्चिमः cf. also [R.19.1.] अनुत्तम having no superior, unsurpassed, most excellent: (for examples see these words).
   An interjection of (a) Pity (ah !) अ अवद्यं [P.I.1.14] Sk. (b) Reproach, censure (fie, shame); अपचसि त्वं जाल्म [P.VI.3.73] Vārt. See अकरणि, अजीवनि also. (c) Used in addressing; अ अनन्त. (d) It is also used as a particle of prohibition.
   The augment prefixed to the root in the formation of the Imperfect, Aorist and Conditional Tenses. N. B. The application of this privative prefix is practically unlimited; to give every possible case would almost amount to a dictionary itself. No attempt will, therefore, be made to give every possible combination of this prefix with a following word; only such words as require a special explanation, or such as most frequently occur in literature and enter into compounds with other words, will be given; others will be found self-explaining when the English 'in', 'un', or 'not', is substituted for अ or अन् before the meaning of the second word, or the sense may be expressed by 'less', 'free from', 'devoid or destitute of' &c.; अकथ्य unspeakable; अदर्प without pride, or freedom from pride; अप्रगल्भ not bold; अभग unfortunate; अवित्त destitute of wealth &c. In many cases such compounds will be found explained under the second member. Most compounds beginning with अ or अन् are either Tatpuruṣa or Bahuvrīhi (to be determined by the sense) and should be so dissolved.

Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
   The first letter of the alphabet, and inherent short vowel.
   1. NO, not.
   2. A private, prohibitive, and diminutive particle.
   3. An interjection of pity. It also implies degrees of difference, and similarity. As a negative prefix to words beginning with a vowel, is changed to अन्, as and अन्त form अनन्त.
  m.  (अः) A name of VISHṆU.

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