कील f. m. (
ifc. f(आ). ), a sharp piece of wood, stake, pin, peg, bolt, wedge, &c.,
[MBh.] &c.
a post, post in a cow-house to which cows are fastened, pillar,
[L.] a gnomon,
[L.] handle, brace,
[Suśr.] the elbow,
[VP.] a kind of tumour (having the form of a stake),
[Suśr.] a position of the foetus impeding delivery,
[Suśr.] N. of the inner syllables of a
[RāmatUp.] कीलेश्वर N. of
वीत-रागमहेश (= )
बन्ध =
Comm. on
[VS. ii, 34] a weapon,
[L.] flame, lambent flame,
[L.] a minute particle,
[L.] किला a blow with the elbow (= ),
[L.] कील n. n. (=
कीन), flesh,