j , of which therefore the sound should be soft, as of z, will be, in Maráṭhí, written with जि, जी, & जे, and sounded always with the sound of J. In exception to this rule Note:--That जे masc. plural of जो, & जें neut. singular, and जे the conjunction are, in the Konkan̤, usually as pronounced dze and dzen:--And that of some Persian and Arabic words the ज, जा, &c. are pronounced as J, as in . j a S Born, produced, sprung from. Attached to Sanskrit words it forms endless valuable compounds: e. g. अंडज, स्वेदज, जरायुज, उदरज, अपथ्यज, जलज, पापज, तपज, कफज, पित्तज, वातज, रक्तज, त्रिदोषज, क्षतज. j m or जचें n A cant word for dinner. ज being the first letter of जेवणें To dine or to eat a meal.