निवापः [nivāpḥ] 1 Seed, grain, seed-corn.
An offering to the manes of deceased parents or other relatives, a libation of water &c. at the Śrāddha ceremony; एको निवापसलिलं पिबसीत्ययुक्तम्
[Māl.9.4;] निवापदत्तिभिः
[R.8.86;] निवापाञ्जलयः पितॄणाम् 5.8;15.91;
[Mu.4.5.] A gift or offering in general. -Comp.
-अञ्जलिः two handfuls of water as a libation.
-अन्नम् sacrificial food.
-उदकम् a libation of water; अत्यल्पमिदमस्माकं निवापोदकभोजनम्
[Mk. 1.17.] -माल्यम् funeral wreath.