परि a.-√
1.दाP. Ā. -ददाति,
-दत्ते, (
pr. 1.
pl. -दद्मसि,
[RV.] ;
Impv. -देहि;
pf. -ददौ,
ind.p. -दाय;
inf. -दातुम्),
to give, grant, bestow, surrender, intrust to or deposit with (
dat. loc. or
gen. ),
[RV.] &c. &c.:
Caus. -दापयति (
ind.p. -दाप्य). to cause to be delivered or given up,
[MBh.] परि-दा f. bf. giving one's self up to the favour or protection of another, devotion,
[ŚBr.] ;