पीत mfn. 1.mfn. (√ 1.पा) drunk, sucked, sipped, quaffed, imbibed, [RV.] &c. &c. आहिताग्न्य्-आदि ifc. having drunk, soaked, steeped, saturated, filled with (also with instr. ), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] (cf. g. ) पीत n. n. drinking, [L.] पीत mfn. 2.mf(आ)n. (possibly fr. √ 2.पि or √ प्यै, the colour of butter and oil being yellowish) yellow (the colour of the वैश्यs, white being that of the Brāhmans, red that of the क्षत्रियs, and black that of the शूद्रs), [GṛS.] ; [Up.] ; [MBh.] &c. पीत m. m. yellow colour, [W.] a y° gem, topaz, [L.] a y° pigment prepared from the urine of kine, [L.] N. of sev. plants (Alangium Hexapetalum, Carthamus Tinctorius, Trophis Aspera), [L.] of the वैश्यs in शाल्मल-द्वीप, [VP.] पीत n. n. a y° substance, [ChUp.] gold, [L.] y° orpiment, [L.]