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मुसळ नेसणें

Script: Devanagari
See also:  मुसळ डोक्याला बांधणें , मुसळ पांघरणें

मुसळ नेसणें

A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   Can we transform a dull, coarse, awkward, ignorant fellow into a man of accomplishments? --make a silk purse out of a sow's ear?--break up and alter Nature? मुसळास मुस- ळाशीं गांठ पडत नाहीं Used of contending parties of whom, from the equal obstinacy of both, the mutual understanding cannot be effected. सगळें मुसळ केरांत The pounder is slipped away amongst the dust-sweepings. Used of an impossibility or a matter rejected as utterly incredible.

मुसळ नेसणें

   ( ल.) निर्लज्जपणानें वागणें
   निर्लज्ज होऊन दुर्वर्तन करणें.
   सभ्यतेला सोडून वागणें
   आपली अब्रु सोडून निर्लज्जपणाचे आचार करुं लागणें.

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