Dictionaries | References


   { yatra }
Script: Devanagari


 अ.  जेथें . [ सं . ]
०कुत्रचित   कुत्रापि - क्रिवि . कोठें तरी ; कोणच्या तरी एखाद्या ठिकाणीं . यत्रयत्र - क्रिवि . जेथें जेथें ; ज्याज्या ठिकाणीं .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यत्र  n. ind. (in वेद also य॑त्रा; fr.3., correlative of त॑त्र, and often used for the loc. of the relative pron.) in or to which place, where, wherein, wherever, whither, [RV.] &c. &c. (यत्र यत्र, ‘wherever’, ‘whithersoever’; यत्र तत्र or यत्र तत्रा-पि, ‘anywhere whatever’ or = यस्मिंस् तस्मिन्, ‘in whatever’; यत्र तत्र दिने, ‘on any day whatever’; यत्र कुत्र, with or without चित् or अपि, ‘everywhere’ or = यस्मिन् कस्मिन्, ‘in whatever’; य॑त्र क्व॑ च or यत्र क्व चन, ‘wherever’, ‘in any place whatever’, ‘whithersoever’; यत्र क्व च, ‘anywhere whatever’; यत्र क्वा-पि, ‘to any place’, ‘hither and thither’; यत्र वा, ‘or elsewhere’)
यत्र तत्र   on which occasion, in which case, if, when, as, [RV.] &c. &c. (, ‘on every occasion’, यत्र क्व च, ‘whenever’)
   in order that, [RV. iii, 32, 14; ix, 29, 5]
   that (with Pot. after ‘to doubt, wonder &c.’), [Pāṇ. 3-3, 148]
   (with Pres.), [Hit. i, 176] (v.l.)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यत्र [yatra]   ind. [यद्-त्रल्] Where, in which place, whither; सैव सा (द्यौः) चलति यत्र हि चित्तम् [N.5.57;] [Ku.1.7,1.]
   When; as in यत्र काले.
   Whereas, because, since, as. (यत्र यत्र means 'wherever'; यत्र यत्र धूमस्तत्र तत्र वह्निः T. S.; यत्र तत्र in whatever place, everywhere; यत्रकुत्र or यत्रक्वचन-क्वापि
   wheresoever, in whatever place.
   whensoever, at whatever time.
   whenever, as often as.
   hither and thither.) -Comp. -कामम्ind. wherever one pleases.
-कामावसायः   the supernatural power (of yogins) for transporting one's self anywhere one likes.
-सायंगृह, -सायंप्रतिश्रय a.  a. taking up an abode wherever evening overtakes one.

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