लस् 1.cl. 1. P. , ([Dhātup. xvii, 64] ) लसति (only p. लसत्, लसमान, and pf. ललास; Gr. also aor. अलसीत्; fut. , लसिता, लसिष्यति), to shine, flash, glitter, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to appear, come to light, arise, [Kathās.] ; to sound, resound, ib. (cf. √ रस्); to play, sport, frolic, [Chandom.] ; to embrace, [Dhātup.] : Caus. , or cl. 10. ([Dhātup. xxxiii 55] ), लासयति (aor. अलीलसत्; Pass. लास्यते), to dance, [R.] ; to cause to teach to dance, [Vikr.] ; to exercise an art (cf. √ लश्), [Dhātup.] लस् [cf. Lat. lascivus, lascivire.] लस् mfn. 2.mfn. shining, glittering (See अ-लस्).