वर्°ती f. af. anything rolled or wrapped round, a pad, a kind of bandage bound round a wound,
[Suśr.] any cosmetic prepared from various substances (used as a remedy in the form of a paste or pill),
ib.ointment, unguent, collyrium,
[Uttarar.] ;
[Kathās.] a suppository,
ib.the wick of a lamp,
[MBh.] ;
[VarBṛS.] ;
[Kathās.] a magical wick,
[Pañcat.] a limp,
[L.] the projecting threads or unwoven ends of woven cloth, a kind of fringe,
[L.] a projecting rim or protuberance round a vessel,
KātyŚr.a swelling or poly. pus in the throat,
[Suśr.] मूत्र-व्° a swelling or protuberance formed by internal rupture,
ib. (
cf. )
a surgical instrument, bougie,
[L.] धूम-व्° a streak, line (See ).
वर्ती b =