वह mfn. mf(आ)n. (
ifc. ) carrying, bearing, conveying, bringing, causing, producing, effecting (
cf. गन्ध-,
पुण्य-व्° &c.)
पर-लोक-व्° flowing through or into or towards (
cf. ,
सर्व-लोक-व्° &c.)
bearing along (said of rivers),
[Hcat.] bearing (a name),
[Kull.] on
[Mn. iv, 203] (in a quotation)
exposing one's self to (heat &c.),
[MBh.] वह m. m. the act of bearing or conveying (
cf. दुर्-,
the shoulder of an ox or any draught animal,
[AV.] ;
[VS.] ;
[Br.] ;
[MBh.] the shoulder-piece of a yoke,
[AV.] ;
[ŚBr.] a horse,
[L.] a male river,
[L.] a road, way,
[L.] wind,
[L.] the breathing of a cow,
[L.] a weight or measure of four