वार m. 1.m. (earlier form of वालq.v. ) the hair of any animal's tail (esp. of a horse's tail, = οὐρά), [RV.] वार mn. mn.sg. and pl. a hair-sieve, ib. वार mfn. 2am. (fr. √ 1.वृ) keeping back, restraining (also mfn.ifc. = difficult to be restrained, [TBr.] ; cf. दुर्-व्°) anything which covers or surrounds or restrains, a cover, [MW.] anything which causes an obstruction, a gate, door-way, [W.] स्व-वारं समा-√ स्था anything enclosed or circumscribed in space or time, esp. an appointed place (e.g. , to occupy one's proper place), [R.]
ROOTS: स्व वारं समा √ स्था वृ the time fixed or appointed for anything (accord. to some fr. √ 2., to choose), a person's turn, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (often, esp. with numerals, = times e.g. वरांस् त्रीन् or वर-त्रयम्, three times; भूरिभिर् वारैः or भूरि-वारान् or बहु-वारम् or वारं वारम् or वारं वारेण, many times, often, repeatedly) वार m. 2bm. the turn of a day (under the regency of a planet), a day of the week (they are आदित्य-, सोम-, मङ्गल-, बुध-, गुरु-, शुक्र-, and शनि-वार; cf. [IW. 178 n. 1] ), [Gaṇit.] ; [Yājñ.] Sch. ; [Kāv.] &c. (cf. दिन and दिवस-व्°) a moment, occasion, opportunity, [W.] बाण-व्° a multitude, quantity (See ) an arrow, [L.] Achyranthes Aspera, [L.] N. of शिव, [L.] वार n. n. a vessel for holding spirituous liquor, [L.] a partic. artificial poison, [L.] वार m. 3.m. (fr. √ 2.वृ) choice (See वारे-वृत) अशस्त anything chosen or choice or exquisite, goods, treasure, [RV.] (often ifc. ; cf. -, ऋधद्-, दाति-व्° &c.) N. of a poet, [Cat.]