शोधन mfn. (
-नः-ना-नं) Cleaning, purifying &c., that which cleanses, refines, &c.
n. (
1. Cleaning, cleansing, purifying.
2. Correcting, freeing from faults or errors.
3. Correcting, as a writing.
4. Subtrac- tion, (in arithmetic.)
5. The refining of metals.
6. A sort of refining, practised for chemical or medical purposes: exposing the metals to heat, and then sprinkling them with the urine of cows, &c.
7. Pay- ment, acquittance.
8. Feces, ordure.
9. Green vitriol.
10. Deter- mination.
11. Punishment.
12. Expiation.
m. (
-नः) The lime.
f. (
-नी) A broom.
E. शुध् to be make pure, aff.
ल्युट् or
युच् .