सम्-आस m. 1.m. (for
2. See
सम्-√ आस्) throwing or putting together, aggregation, conjunction, combination, connection, union, totality (
एन, ‘fully, wholly, summarily’),
[Br.] ;
[ŚrS.] ;
[Mn.] &c.
-तस् succinctness, conciseness, condensation (
ibc. and , ‘concisely, succinctly, briefly’),
[KauṣUp.] ;
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
अस्थान-समास (in gram.) composition of words, a compound word (of which there are
accord. to native grammarians, 6 kinds,
viz. द्वंद्व,
द्विगु, and
अव्यय or
अव्ययी-भाव [qq. vv.]; an improper compound is called ),
[Prāt.] ;
[Pāṇ.] &c.
संधि euphonic combination (= ),
[VPrāt.] (in
astron. ) a
partic. circle,
[Sūryas.] -समर्थन composition of differences, reconciliation (),
[L.] समस्या the part of a
श्लोक given for completion (= ),
[L.] सम्-आस m. 2. (for
1. See under
सम्-√ अस्)
m. abiding together, connection,