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   { stambḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
स्तम्ब  m. m. (prob. phonetic variation of स्तम्भ) a clump or tuft of grass, any clump or bunch or cluster, [AV.] &c. &c.
a sheaf of corn, [L.] a bush, thicket, [L.]
a shrub or plant having no decided stem (such as the झिण्टी or Barleria), [L.]
स्तम्बे-रम   the post to which an elephant is tied (wrongly inferred from q.v.), [L.]
स्तम्बे रम
a mountain, [L.]
N. of various men, [Hariv.] ; [Pur.]
स्तम्ब  m. n. (in these senses prob.w.r. for स्तम्भ, m.) a post, pillar in general, [W.]
stupidity, insensibility, [W.]


स्तम्बः [stambḥ]   [स्था-अम्बच् किच्च पृषो˚ [Uṇ.4.96] ]
A clump of grass &c.; ब्रह्मस्तम्बनिकुञ्जपुञ्जितधनज्याघोषघोरं धनुः [Mv.3.] 48; आरण्यकोपात्तफलप्रसूतिः स्तम्बेन नीवार इवावशिष्टः [R.5.15.]
A sheaf of corn; as in स्तम्बकरिता q. v.
A cluster, clump or bunch (in general); (कीचक)स्तम्बाडम्बरमूकमौकुलि- कुलः क्रौञ्चावतोऽयं गिरिः [U.2.29;] [R.15.19.]
A bush, thicket.
A shrub or plant having no decided stem.
The post of which an elephant is tied.
A post; column; पांशुस्तम्बा बलानां तुरगखुरपुटक्षोदलब्धात्मलाभाः [Mu. 5.23.]
Stupefaction, insensibility; (probably for स्तभ in these two senses).
A mountain. -Comp.
-करि a.  a. forming sheaves or clusters. (-रिः) corn, rice.ता forming sheaves or clusters, abundant or luxuriant growth; न शालेः स्तम्बकरिता वप्तुर्गुणमपेक्षते [Mu.1.3.] -गहन a. overgrown with thickets; [Kau.A.2.2.]
घनः a small hoe for weeding clumps of grass.
a sickle for cutting corn.
a basket for holding the heads of wild rice.
-घ्नः, -घातः, -हन्, -हननम्, -नी   a sickle for cutting corn, a hoe.
-पुरम्  N. N. of a city (ताम्रलिप्त).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
स्तम्ब  m.  (-म्बः)
1. A shrub, a plant that has no particular or decided stem.
2. A clump of grass, a sheaf of corn, &c.
3. The post to which an elephant is tied.
4. A mountain.
5. A bush, a thicket. 6. Stupefaction, insensibility, (probably for स्तम्भ in this sense.)
 n.  (-म्बं)
1. A post, a pillar in general.
2. Stupidity, insensibility.
E. ष्ठा to stand or abide, अम्बच् Unādi aff., किच्च .
ष्ठा अम्बच् किच्च .

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