स्तोम m. m. praise, eulogium, a hymn, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [GṛS.] ; [Up.] ; [BhP.] प्रस्ताव (in ritual) a typical form of chant (7 such forms are usually enumerated; but accord. to [Lāṭy.] Sch. the स्तोम consists of 5 parts, viz. , उद्गीथ, प्रतिहार, उपद्रव, and निधन), [TS.] ; [Br.] ; [ŚrS.] ; [ChUp.] a स्तोम day, [TS.] ; [PañcavBr.] a sacrificer, [L.] N. of partic. bricks, [ŚBr.] a heap, collection, number, multitude, quantity, mass, [Kāv.] ; [Rājat.] the letting of a dwelling, [Āpast.] Sch. a measure of 10 धन्व्-अन्तरs or of 96 inches, [L.] स्तोम n. n. (only [L.] ) the head riches, wealth grain, corn an iron-pointed stick or staff स्तोम mfn. mfn. crooked, bent, [L.]