Dictionaries | References स स्नातक { snātakḥ } Script: Devanagari See also: स्नात Meaning Related Words स्नातक हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 noun वह जिसने किसी विश्वविद्यालय की निम्नतम डिग्री या उपाधि प्राप्त करने के लिए परीक्षा पास की हो Ex. धनाभाव के कारण कई स्नातकों को अपनी पढ़ाई बंद करनी पड़ी । ONTOLOGY:व्यक्ति (Person) ➜ स्तनपायी (Mammal) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:ग्रैजुएट ग्रेजुएटWordnet:asmস্নাতক bdजालिया benস্নাতক gujસ્નાતક kanಸ್ನಾತಕ kasگرٛیجِویٹ kokपदवीदार malബിരുദധാരി marपदवीधर mniꯗꯤꯒꯔ꯭ꯤ nepस्नातक oriସ୍ନାତକ panਗ੍ਰੈਜੂਏਟ sanस्नातकः tamபட்டதாரி telపట్టభద్రుడు urdگریجویٹ noun वह जिसने किसी गुरु के आधीन रहकर विद्या का अध्ययन और ब्रह्मचर्य-व्रत समाप्त कर लिया हो Ex. स्नातक को उसी विद्यापीठ में आचार्य बना दिया गया । HYPONYMY:अनूचान ONTOLOGY:व्यक्ति (Person) ➜ स्तनपायी (Mammal) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:mniꯃꯍꯩ꯭ꯇꯝꯕ꯭ꯂꯣꯏꯕꯒꯤ꯭ꯃꯤꯡꯊꯣꯜ꯭ꯐꯪꯂꯕ꯭ꯃꯤ urdفاضل , گریجوئیٹ noun किसी विश्वविद्यालय की निम्नतम डिग्री या उपाधि Ex. स्नातक मिलते ही मुझे नौकरी भी मिल गई । ONTOLOGY:उपाधि (Title) ➜ अमूर्त (Abstract) ➜ निर्जीव (Inanimate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:kasگرٛیجویٹ mniꯒꯔ꯭ꯦꯖꯨꯌꯦꯠ panਡਿਗਰੀ sanस्नातकः urdگریجوئیٹ स्नातक A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 snāta or snātaka m S An initiated householder; a man of any of the three first classes who, having completed the term prescribed for his studies, becomes nubile and a housekeeper. If, at the end of this period, he has not acquired a knowledge of the Veda, he is called व्रतस्नातक; if he has acquired this knowledge before the end of the period, he is विद्यास्नातक; if he finishes his studies together with the expiration of the period, he is अभार्यस्नातक. स्नातक मराठी पर्यायी शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ना. ग्रँज्युएट , पदवीधर ( विश्वविद्यालयाचा ). स्नातक मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 See : पदवीधर, पदवी, स्नात स्नातक नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali Nepali Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 noun त्यो जसले कुनै विश्वविद्यालयको निम्नतम डिग्री वा उपाधि प्राप्त गर्नका लागि परीक्षा पास गरेको छ Ex. धनको अभावका कारण धेरै स्नातकहरूको आफ्नो पढाइ बन्द गर्नुपर्यो ONTOLOGY:व्यक्ति (Person) ➜ स्तनपायी (Mammal) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:ग्रेजुएटWordnet:asmস্নাতক bdजालिया benস্নাতক gujસ્નાતક hinस्नातक kanಸ್ನಾತಕ kasگرٛیجِویٹ kokपदवीदार malബിരുദധാരി marपदवीधर mniꯗꯤꯒꯔ꯭ꯤ oriସ୍ନାତକ panਗ੍ਰੈਜੂਏਟ sanस्नातकः tamபட்டதாரி telపట్టభద్రుడు urdگریجویٹ noun त्यो जसले कुनै गुरुको अधीनमा बसेर विद्या अध्ययन र ब्रह्मचर्य-व्रत समाप्त गरेको Ex. स्नातकलाई त्यसै विद्यापीठमा आचार्य बनाइदिए ONTOLOGY:व्यक्ति (Person) ➜ स्तनपायी (Mammal) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:mniꯃꯍꯩ꯭ꯇꯝꯕ꯭ꯂꯣꯏꯕꯒꯤ꯭ꯃꯤꯡꯊꯣꯜ꯭ꯐꯪꯂꯕ꯭ꯃꯤ urdفاضل , گریجوئیٹ स्नातक A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 स्नातक m. m. one who has bathed or performed ablutions (i.e. a Brāhman who, after performing the ceremonial lustrations required on his finishing his studentship as a ब्रह्म-चारिन् under a religious teacher, returns home and begins the second period of his life as a गृह-स्थ See समावर्तन; three kinds of स्नातकs are named, 1. a विद्या-स्न्°q.v., 2. a व्रत-स्न्° [who has completed the vows, such as fasting, continence &c., without the वेदs], 3. a विद्या-व्रत-स्न्° or उभय-स्न्° [who has completed both वेदs and vows], the last is the highest; in a wider sense there may be 9 स्नातकs See, [Mn. xi, 1] ), [ŚBr.] ; [GṛS.] ; [Gaut.] ; [Mn. iii, 4 &c.] ([IW. 296] ). स्नातक The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 स्नातकः [snātakḥ] 1 A Brāhmaṇa who has performed the ceremony of ablution which has to be performed on his finishing his first Āśrama (that of a Brahmachārin); राजस्नातकयोश्चैव स्नातको नृपमानभाक् [Ms.2.139.] A Brāhmaṇa just returned from the house of his preceptor and become an initiated householder (गृहस्थ).A Brāhmaṇa who is a Bhikṣu (beggar of alms) for any religious object; नवैतान् स्नातकान् विद्याद् ब्राह्मणान् धर्म- भिक्षुकान् [Ms.11.2.] Any man of the first three classes who is an initiated householder. -Comp.-व्रतम् the vows and duties of a स्नातक. स्नातक Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 स्नातक m. (-कः)1. An initiated householder, a man of the three first classes, who having completed the term prescribed for his stu- dies becomes a housekeeper: if at the end of this period, he has not acquired a knowledge of the Veda, he is called Vrata-snātaka; if he has acquired that knowledge earlier, he is termed Vidyā- snātaka, and if he finishes his regular studies at the same time that the period of study expires, he is named Ubhaya-snātaka. 2. A Brāhmana who has performed the ceremony of ablution, required to be performed on his finishing his first ĀŚHRAMA.3. A Brāhman who is a Bhikshu or beggar for any religious object.E. कन् added to the last. ROOTS:कन् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP