aiñcaṇa, aitā, airaṇa, airīṇa, aīna, aīnapīna, aīlapīla, aīsapīsa . For words beginning with अइ and अई, see under ऐ. Good behaviour or breeding; manners or bearing. Ex. हा अइनीचा गृहस्थ; हा अइनीनें जातो or चालतो; ह्याची मोठी अ0 आहे. Pr. अइनीला मरावें खरवडीला झुलावें Used of one who, from punctiliousness or fastidious refinement, refuses an invitation to a feast, whilst he will eagerly accept scrapings or scraps brought to him from it. Also Pr. अ0 रावणाची आस लेंडुकाची One in bearing lofty as Lucifer, but well-contented with a nodule of excrement.