Dictionaries | References अ अच्छावाक { acchāvākḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words अच्छावाक प्राचीन चरित्रकोश | Hindi Hindi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अच्छावाक (क्रतु) n. ब्रह्मदेव के पुष्कर तीर्थ के यज्ञ का होतृगणों का एक ऋत्विज [पद्म.सृ.३४] । अच्छावाक A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अच्छा-वाक m. m. ‘the inviter’, title of a particular priest or ऋत्विज्, one of the sixteen required to perform the great sacrifices with the सोम juice. ROOTS:अच्छा वाक अच्छावाक The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अच्छावाकः [acchāvākḥ] [अच्छं निर्मलं अच्छ आभिमुख्येन वा वक्ति शंसति; वच् कर्तरि संज्ञायां घञ् निपातस्य चेति दीर्घः [Tv.] ] The invoker or inviter, a priest or Ṛitvij who is employed at Soma sacrifices, and is a co-adjutor of होतृ. Each of the four principal priests, होतृ, अध्वर्यु, उद्गातृ and ब्रह्मन् has three assistants, the total number of priests employed at Soma sacrifices being therefore 16; ˚सामन् a. N. of the Sāman to be chanted by an अच्छावाक, also called उद्वंशीय. Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP