अत्यन्त [atyanta] a. a. [अतिक्रान्तः अन्तं सीमां नाशम्]
Excessive, much, very great or strong; ˚वैरम् great enmity; ˚मैत्री; ˚हिमोत्किरानिलाः
[Ku.5.26.] Complete, perfect, absolute; ˚अभावः absolute non-existence; See below.
Endless, perpetual, permanent, everlasting, uninterrupted, unbroken; किं वा तवात्यन्तवियोग- मोघे हतजीविते
[R.14.65;] भवत्यजरमत्यन्तम्
[Pt.1.151;] यो बन्धनवधक्लेशान् प्राणिनां न चिकीर्षति । स सर्वस्य हितप्रेप्सुः सुखम- त्यन्तमश्नुते ॥
[Ms.5.46;] [Bg.6.28;] कस्यात्यन्तं सुखमुपनतम्
[Me.111.] नायमत्यन्तसंवासो लभ्यते येन केनचित्
[H.4.73.] -तम् ind.
Exceedingly, excessively, very much, to the highest degree; स्थायीभवति चात्यन्तं रङ्गः शुक्लपटे यथा
[Pt.1.33;] स्तनंधयोऽत्यन्तशिशुः स्तनादिव
[Mu.4.14.] very young.
For ever, to the end (of life), through life; अत्यन्तमात्मसटृशेक्षणवल्लभाभिराहो निवत्स्यति Ś1.26 For all time, in perpetuity; सा चात्यन्तमदर्शनं नयनयोर्याता
[V.4.9;] oft. in comp.; ˚गता See below; प्रियमत्यन्त- विलुप्तदर्शनम्
[Ku.4.2.] For ever lost to view;
[R.14.3;] Absolutely, perfectly, completely. -Comp.
-अपह्नवः A flat, categorical or total denial; a denial nipping the accusation in the bud (P. वार्त्तिक III.2.115.).
-अभावः absolute or complete nonexistence, absolute non-entity, a thing which does not exist at any one of the three periods of time, or does not exist for all time; त्रैकालिकसंसर्गावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिकः (This is considered to be नित्य or eternal and different from the other kinds of अभाव).
-ग a. a. going or walking too much or too fast.
-गत a. a. gone or departed forever, gone never to return; कथमत्यन्तगता न मां दहेः
[R.8.56.2.] always applicable, perfectly intimate or pertinent.ि f.
sense of 'completely'; अनत्यन्तगतौ क्तात्
[P.V. 4.4.] completion, accomplishment.
-गामिन् a.
going or walking very much, going too fast or quickly.
excessive, much.
-निवृत्तिः f. f. complete disappearance, absolute cessation.
-वासिन् m. m. [वस्-णिनि] one who constantly stays with his preceptor, as a student.-सहचरित a. going together invariably (P. वार्त्तिक VIII.1. 15.)
संयोगः close proximity, uninterrupted continuity; कालाध्वनोरत्यन्तसंयोगे
[P.II.1.29.] Inseparable co-existence.
-संपर्कः excessive sexual intercourse.
-सुकुमार a. a. very tender. (-रः) a kind of grain.