Dictionaries | References अ अदक्षिण { adakṣiṇa } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words अदक्षिण A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अ-दक्षिण mfn. mfn. not dexterous, not handy, not right, left ROOTS:अ दक्षिणinexperienced, simple-minded, not giving or bringing in a दक्षिणा or present to the priest, [RV. x, 61, 10, &c.] अदक्षिण The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अदक्षिण [adakṣiṇa] a. a. [न. त.]Not right, left.[न. ब.] Not bringing in Dakṣiṇā to the priests; without any gifts (as a sacrifice); अदक्षिणास अच्युता दुधुक्षन् [Rv.1.] 61.1 मृतो यज्ञस्त्वदक्षिणः [Pt.2.94.] Simple, weakminded, silly; मेनेऽथ सत्यमेवेति परिहासमदक्षिणा [Rām.] Not handy, skillful or clever; awkward.Unfavourable [Bhāg.1.82.2.] अदक्षिण Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अदक्षिण mfn. (-णः-णा-णं)1. Not clever, unskilful.2. Not comprehending the fee given to the Brahmans, a sacrifice, &c.E. अ neg. दक्षिण clever, or दक्षिणा a fee. ROOTS:अ दक्षिण दक्षिणा Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP