Dictionaries | References अ अद्रि { adriḥ, adri } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अद्रि Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | ADRI was a King, the son of Viṣvagaśvā and father of Yuvanāśvā. [M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 202, Verse 3] . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अद्रि हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | See : पर्वत, पत्थर Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अद्रि A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | adri m S A mountain or hill. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अद्रि Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | m A mountain or hill. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अद्रि मराठी पर्यायी शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | ना. अचल , गिरि , टेकडी , डोंगर , पर्वत , पहाड . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अद्रि महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | पु. पर्वत ; डोंगर ; गिरि . नातरी तपस्थापनेलागीं । दुजेपण मांडूनि जगीं । महत्त्वाद्रीच्या शृंगीं । बैसावया ॥ - ज्ञा १७ . २४२ . [ सं . ] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अद्रि A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | अद्रि m. m. (√ अद्, [Uṇ.] ), a stone, a rock, a mountain a stone for pounding सोम with or grinding it on a stone for a sling, a thunderbolt a mountain-shaped mass of clouds a cloud (the mountains are the clouds personified, and regarded as the enemies of इन्द्र) a tree, [L.] the sun, [L.] N. of a measure the number seven N. of a grandson of पृथु. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अद्रि The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | अद्रिः [adriḥ] [अद्-क्रिन् [Uṇ.4.65;] according to Nir.fr. दृ to tear or अद् to eat.] A mountain. A stone, especially one for pounding Soma with or grinding it on. A thunderbolt (आदृणाति येन Nir.). A tree. The sun. cf. अद्रिः शैलेऽर्कवृक्षयोः । [Nm.] A mass of clouds (probably so called from its resemblance to a mountain); a cloud (आदरयितव्यो भवति ह्यसौ उदकार्थं Nir.) mostly Ved. A kind of measure. The number-Comp.-ईशः, -पतिः -नाथः &c. the lord of mountains, the Himālaya. N. N. of Śiva (Lord of Kailāsa).-कटक the ridge of mountain; नितम्बः पश्चिमश्रोणीभागेऽ- द्रिकटकेऽपि च । [Nm.] -कर्णी a. a. plant (अपराजिता) Clitoria Ternatea Lin. (Mar. पांढरी गोकर्णी).-कीला [अद्रयः कुलपर्वताः कीलाः शङ्कव इव यस्याः] the earth. (-लः) N. of the mountain विष्कुम्भ.-कुक्षिः a mountain cave, mountain side अस्मिन्नहमद्रिकुक्षौ व्यापारितः [R.2.38.] -ज a. a. [अद्रौ जायते; जन्-ड] produced from, or found among mountains, mountainborn. अब्जा गोजा ऋतजा अद्रिजा ऋतम् [Rv.4.41.5.] (ा) a plant (सैंहली). (Mar. सिंहपिंपळी). कन्या, तनया सुता &c. Pārvatī. (-जम्) red chalk (शिलाजतु).-जात a. a. mountain-born. (तः) forest conflagration. the 'Sun-born', Haṁsa or Swan. the Supreme Being.-जूत, -दुग्ध Ved. [तृ. त.] expressed or extracted by means of stones. रथो ह वामृतजा अद्रिजूतः [Rv.3.58.8.] तनया, नन्दिनी N. of Pārvatī. N. N. of a metre of 4 lines, each having 23 syllables.-द्विष्-भिद्-हन् m. m. [अद्रिं द्वेष्टिं भिनत्ति वा, द्विष्-भिद्-हन्-क्विप्] the enemy or splitter of mountains (or clouds personified), eptihet of Indra अहनद्वज्रेणाद्री- निवाद्रिहा [Mb.8.2.9.] -द्रोणि-णी f. f. a mountain valley [Dk.2.8.] a river taking its rise in a mountain.-पतिः -राजः &c. See ˚ईश.-बर्हस् a. a. Ved. [अद्रेर्बर्ह इव बर्हो यस्य] as strong or hard as a mountain; mountain-high (?); पीयूषं द्यौरदितिरद्रिबर्हाः [Rv.1.63.3.] -बुध्न a. a. [अद्रेर्बुध्न इव बुध्नो यस्य] rooted in a mountain or rock; as hard as a stone or mountain. अयं निधिः सरमे अद्रिबुध्नः [Rv.1.18.7.] -भूः a. a. [अद्रौ भवति जायते] mountain-born. () N. of a plant (आखुकर्णी or अपराजिता. Mar. उंदिरकानी, गोकर्णी)-मातृ Ved. [अद्रि मेघः तज्जलं मिमीते, अद्रेर्माता वा मा-तृच्] producing water from clouds (मेघजलनिर्मातृ); having a mountain for the mother (?). कोशं दिवोऽद्रिमातरम् [Rv.9.86.3.] -वह्निः forest conflagration.-शय्यः (having the mountain कैलास for his bed) N. of Śiva; cf. ˚ईश, ˚इन्द्र,-शृङ्गम्, -सानु mountain peak.-सुत (˚षुत), -संहत a. a. prepared or expressed by means of stones.-सारः [अद्रेः सार इव ष. त] 'the essence of mountains', iron. -a. hard like a mountain; ˚मय made of iron or very hard ततः सुबाहुस्त्रिंशद्भिरद्रिसारमयैः शरैः [Mb.7.18.17.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अद्रि Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | अद्रि m. (-द्रिः) 1. A tree. 2. A mountain. 3. The sun. 4. A measure. E. अद to eat, and क्रिन् Unadi aff. ROOTS:अद क्रिन् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP