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   { anasūya }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : ईर्ष्याहीन, अछिद्रान्वेषक


 वि.  मत्सररहित . [ सं . अ + असूया ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्-असूय  mfn. mfn. not spiteful, not envious
अन् असूय


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अनसूय [anasūya] यक [yaka]   यक a. [न. ब.] Free from malice, not envious, not spiteful; श्रद्दधानोऽनसूयश्च [Ms.4.158;] श्रद्धावाननसूयश्च शृणुयादपि यो नरः । [Bg.18.71.]
-या [न.   त.]
   Absence of envy, charity of disposition, freedom from spite or illwill; न गुणान् गुणिनो हन्ति स्तौति चान्यगुणानपि । न हसेच्चान्यदो- षांश्च सानसूया प्रकीर्तिता.
  N. N. of a friend of Śakuntalā.
  N. N. of a daughter of Dakṣa.
  N. N. of Atri's wife, the highest type of chastity and wifely devotion. [She was very pious and given to austere devotion by virtue of which she had obtained miraculous powers. Several stories are told o illustrate them. When the earth was devastated by a terrible drought which lasted for 1 years, Anasūyā created water, fruits, roots &c. by means of her ascetic powers and saved many lives. On one occasion when the sage Māṇḍavya was about to be impaled, the wife of a sage happened to touch the stake as she passed by, whereupon Māṇḍavya cursed her that she would become a widow at sunrise. She, however, prevented the sun from rising, and all actions of men being consequently stopped, the gods, sages &c. went to Anasūyā, her friend, who, by the force of her penance, made the sun rise without, at the same time, bringing widowhood on her friend. Another legend is also told in which Anasūyā changed Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Maheśa into infants, when, at the instigation of their wives, they attempted to test her chastity, but restored them to their former shapes at the importunities of their humbled consorts. She is also said to have caused the three-streamed Ganges to flow down on the earth near the hermitage of her husband for the ablutions of sages; see [R.13.51.] In the Rāmāyaṇa she is represented as having been very kind and attentive to Sītā whom she favoured with sound motherly advice on the virtues of chastity, and at the time of her departure gave her an unguent (See [R.12.27,14.14] ) which was to keep her beautiful for ever and to guard her person from the attempts of rapacious beasts, demons &c. She was the mother of the irascible sage Durvāsas]. सा त्वेवमुक्ता वैदेही त्वनसूयानसूयया [Rām.2.18.1.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अनसूय  mfn.  (-यः-या-यं) Not envious.
  f.  (-या)
   1. The wife or the sage ATRI.
   2. Exemption from envy.
   E. अन् neg. असूया envy.
अन् असूया


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 adjective  असूयया विना।   Ex. अनसूयः पुरुषः सर्वस्मै रोचते।
गुणसूचक (Qualitative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)
bdमालायनि दाय नागिरि
benযাঁরা ছিদ্রান্বেষক নন
kanತಪ್ಪು ಮಾಡದ
kokकुतां काडिनासपी
malകുറ്റം കണ്ടുപിടിക്കാത്ത ആള്
mniꯃꯔꯥꯜ ꯏꯔꯥꯜ꯭ꯊꯤꯒꯟꯗꯕ
tamகுற்றம் காணாத
urdغیرحرف گیر , غیرعیب جو

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