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   { animi }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अनिमि [animi] मे [mē] ष [ṣ]   (मे) ष a. [न. ब.]
   Not winking, steadfastly or intently fixed; लोचनं सुचिरमालोक्य [K.12;] ˚पक्ष्मणा 131; शतैस्तमक्ष्णामनिमेषवृत्तिभिः [R.3.43;] ˚दर्शनरमणीयैः K.5 (Pun) fish and twinkleless glances.
   Vigilant, watchful.
   Open (as eyes, flowers).
   षः A god (for the eyes of gods do not twinkle); देवैरिवानिमिषदृष्टि- भिरीक्ष्यमाणः [Śi.5.57.]
   A fish. cf. सुरे मत्स्ये चानिमिषः... Nm. यथा चानिमिषाः स्थूला जालं छित्वा पुनर्जलम् [Mb.12.3.] 12.
   Viṣṇu [Bhāg 1.1.4.]
  N. N. of Mahākāla.
   A particular mode of sexual intercourse. -Comp.
-आचार्यः   Bṛihaspati, the preceptor of the gods.
-दृष्टि, -नयन, -लोचन a.  a. looking steadfastly or with a fixed gaze, gazing intently.

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