अभिधानम् [abhidhānam] 1 Telling, mentioning, speaking, naming, denotation; एतावतामर्थानामिदमभिधानम् Nir.; गोशब्दस्य वाही- कार्थाभिधानम्
[S. D.] (In gram.) Asserting or predicating something of another, as the subject of an assertion, (which then can be put in the nom. case only); predication, assertion; See
[P.II.3.2] [Sk.] A name, appellation, title, designation; अभिधानं तु पश्चात्तस्याहमश्रौषम्
[K.32;] तवाभिधानाद् व्यथते नताननः
[Ki.1.24;] (at the end of comp.) called, named; ऋणाभिधानाद् बन्धनात्
[R.3.2.] An expression, word.
Speech, discourse महत्तमा- नामभिधानयोगः
[Bhāg.1.18.18.] A dictionary, vocabulary (of words), lexicon (in these last 4 senses said to be also m.)
A song, षट्पादतन्त्रीमधुराभिधानम्
[Rām.4.28,36.] -Comp.
-चिन्तामणिः N. N. of a celebrated vocabulary of synonyms by Hemachandra.
-माला a dictionary.
-रत्नमाला N. N. of a vocabulary of words by Halāyudha.
-विप्रतिपत्तिः Incongruence of the word and the sense intended to be conveyed thereby; केयमभिधान- विप्रतिपत्तिर्नाम । यदन्यथाभिधानमन्यथाभिधेयम् । ŚB. on
[MS. 9.3.13.]