1.Ā. -युङ्क्ते, to put to (as horses to a carriage) for a special purpose (acc. ), [ŚBr.] : P. to put to (as horses) subsequently,
[ŚBr.] :
Ā. to summon, invite to (
dat. ),
[R. vii, 61, 9] :
P. to order, charge with (
loc. ),
[MBh. xiv, 2637] :
Ā. (rarely
P. ) to encounter, attack, assail;
to accuse of (
acc. ),
[Mn. viii, 183, &c.] :
P. Ā. to undertake, apply to, make one's self ready to (
acc. or
Inf. ) :
Caus. to furnish with, make anybody share in (
instr. ),
[MBh. &c.] अभि-युज् f. 2.f. an assailant, enemy, [RV.]