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   { abhiyuj }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अभि-√ युज्   1.Ā.-युङ्क्ते, to put to (as horses to a carriage) for a special purpose (acc.), [ŚBr.] :
P. to put to (as horses) subsequently, [ŚBr.] :
Ā. to summon, invite to (dat.), [R. vii, 61, 9] :
P. to order, charge with (loc.), [MBh. xiv, 2637] :
Ā. (rarely P.) to encounter, attack, assail;
to accuse of (acc.), [Mn. viii, 183, &c.] :
P.Ā. to undertake, apply to, make one's self ready to (acc. or Inf.) :
Caus. to furnish with, make anybody share in (instr.), [MBh. &c.]
अभि √ युज्
अभि-युज्  f. 2.f. an assailant, enemy, [RV.]
अभि युज्


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अभियुज् [abhiyuj]   7 A.
   To apply oneself to, exert oneself, make oneself ready for, prepare, set about, strive or endeavour (used in passive also in this sense); तद्यदि न सहते ततः स्वयमभियुज्यस्व । एते स्वकर्मण्यभियुज्यामहे । [Mu.3;] [Dk.55;] [K.3;] व्यसनमभियुञ्जानस्य Mu.4 trying to find out a weak point.
   To attack, assail; भवन्तमभियोक्तु- मुद्युङ्क्ते [Dk.3;] वृषलमभियोक्तुमुद्यतः [Mu.1;] क इदानीमभियोक्ष्यते [U.3.]
   To accuse, charge; complain or inform against, prosecute, claim or demand (as in a law-suit); न तत्र विद्यते किंचिद्यत्परैरभियुज्यते [Ms.8.183;] विभावितैकदेशेन देयं यदभियुज्यते [V.4.17] claimed, asked, or demanded; [Y.2.9,28,1.]
   To wish or long for, desire, ask for, request.
   To say, speak, tell; नाभियोक्तुमनृतं त्वमिष्यसे [Ki.]
   To appoint to, entrust with (with loc.).
   To use with (inst.).
   To be working or operative.
   To put to; harness; harness repeatedly.
   To hurt. -Caus. To join or unite to, attach oneself to; परकलत्रेषु सुहृत्त्वेनाभियोज्य [Dk.163.]
अभियुज् [abhiyuj]  f. f.
   (क्ग्) Attacking &c.
   An enemy.


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   See : आह्वे

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