अह् 1. (defect. verb, only perf. 3. sg. आ॑ह and 3. pl. आहु॑, [RV.] ; [AV.] &c., 2. sg. आत्थ, [ŚBr. xiv] ([BṛĀrUp.] ), [N.] ; [Ragh. iii, 48] 3. du. आहतुः, [Pāṇ. 8-2, 35] ) to say, speak, [RV.] &c.; (with lexicographers) to express, signify; to call (by name, नाम्ना), [MBh. iii, 16065] ; to call, hold, consider, regard as (with two acc. , for one of which may be substituted a phrase with इति), [RV.] &c.; to state or declare with reference to ( acc. ), [BṛĀrUp.] ; [Śak.] ; [Megh.] ; to acknowledge, accept, state, [AitBr.] ; [Mn. &c.] ; to adjudge anything ( acc. ) to any one ( gen. ), [Mn. ix, 44.] अह् [cf. Hib. ag-all, ‘speech’; eigh-im, ‘I call’; Goth. af-aika, ‘I deny’; Lat. nego for n'-ego, ‘to say no’; ad-ag-ium, ajo, &c.] अह् 2.cl. 5. P. अह्नोति, to pervade or occupy, [L.]