आवाप [āvāpa] a. a. [आवप्-घञ्] Throwing, scattering. (as in अक्षावाप q. v.).
पः Sowing seed.
Scattering, throwing in general; casting, directing.
Mixing, inserting.
Especially, throwing additional ingredients into a compound in course of preparation.
A basin for water round the root of a tree (आलवाल).
A vessel, jar for corn.
Setting out or arranging vessels.
Hostile purpose, intention of fighting (with another); foreign affairs; 'तन्त्रः स्वराङ्कचिन्तायामा- वापः परचिन्तने इति वैजयन्ती; तन्त्रावापविद्
[Śi.2.88.] A principal sacrifice or oblation to fire.
A kind of drink.
A bracelet (आवापक).
Uneven ground.
Decentralisation, a matter which serves several persons or things only if repeated with each one of them (opp. तन्त्र q. v.) यस्तु आवृत्त्या उपकरोति स आवापः । यथा तेषामेव ब्राह्मणानामनुलेपनम् । ŚB. on