Dictionaries | References


   { iṅg }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
इङ्ग्   cl. 1. P., ep.Ā.इङ्गति, -ते ([Dhātup. v, 46] ), to go, go to or towards;
to move or agitate, [MBh.] ; [Bhag.] :
Caus.P.इङ्गयति, to move, agitate, shake, [RV. i, 167, 45] ; [ŚBr.] ;
(in Gr.) to divide or separate the members of a compound word, use a word or bring it into such a grammatical relation that it is considered इङ्ग्य See below, [RPrāt.] ;
इङ्ग्   [cf.Hib.ing, ‘a stir, a move.’]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
इङ्ग् [iṅg]   1 U. (इङ्गति-ते, इङ्गितुम्, इङ्गित)
   To move, shake, be agitated; यथा दीपो निवातस्थो नेङ्गते [Bg.6.19,14.23;] त्वया सृष्टमिदं विश्वं यच्चेङ्गं यच्च नेङ्गति [Mb.3.12.2.]
   To go, move. -Caus.
   To move, agitate, shake.
   (In gram.) to separate the members of a compound; cf. इङ्ग्य below.

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