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   { udarkḥ, udarka }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
UDARKA   A minister of Mahiṣāsura. The ministry of Mahiṣāsura was very powerful and efficient. The brave and haughty Cikṣura was the war minister. Udarka was the general of the army. (See under Mahiṣāsura).


उदर्क n.  १० विदूरथ देखिये ।


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   udarka m S Futurity. In comp. as उ0 काल Future time; उ0 फल Future fruit, i.e. end, issue, result, product; उ0 कार्य, उ0 कथन, उ0 चिंतन, उ0 सुख, उ0 दुःख, उ0 लाभ, उ0 प्राप्ति, उदर्कावस्था.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  Futurity.


  पु. पुढें होणारी गोष्ट ; भवितव्य ; भविष्य . सामाशब्द - उदर्क - कार्य - वचन - सुखदु : ख इ० . [ उद + अर्क = सूर्य ]
०काळ  पु. भविष्यकाळ .
०फल  न. परिणाम ; पर्यवसान ; निष्पत्ति ; शेवट .
०चिंतन  न. पुढें होणार्‍या गोष्टीबद्दलचा विचार .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उद्-अर्क  m. m. arising (as a sound), resounding, [RV. i, 113, 18]
उद् अर्क
   the future result of actions, consequence, futurity, future time, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Daś.] ; [Kathās.] ; [Mn.] &c.
   a remote consequence, reward
   happy future, [MBh.]
   conclusion, end, [ŚBr.] ; [TS.] ; [AitBr.]
   repetition, refrain, [Pāṇ.] ; [Kāṭh.] ; [ŚāṅkhŚr.]
   elevation of a building, a tower, look-out place, [MBh.]
   the plant Vanguiera Spinosa.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उदर्कः [udarkḥ]   [Said to be fr. ऋच्]
   (a) End, conclusion; ˚स्वादुनः कर्मणः [Dk.79;] सुखोदर्कम् [K.328.] (b) Result, consequence, future result of an action; उदर्कस्तव कल्याणो भविता [Nala.12.67;] किंतु कल्याणोदर्कं भविष्यति [U.4;] प्रयत्नः सफलोदर्क एव [Māl.8;] [Ms.4.176,11.1,9.25,12.18;] यो लौल्यात्कुरुते कर्म नैवोदर्कमवेक्षते [Pt.5.73.]
   Remote consequence, reward.
   Future time, futurity.
   Elevation of a building (as a tower).
   Surpassing. sometimes used as an adjective in this sense; तेन हि उदर्केण गुणेनात्र भवितव्यम् [Pratimā 1.]
  N. N. of a tree Vanguiera Spinosa Roxb (मदनवृक्ष).
   Increase; सर्वद्धर्युपचयीदर्कम् [Bhāg.3.23.13.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उदर्क  m.  (-र्कः)
   1. Future or remote consequence.
   2. Future time.
   3. A plant (Vangueria spinosa:) see मदन.
   E. उद् much, ऋच् to praise, affix घञ्.
उद् ऋच् घञ्

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