उद्-वर्तन mfn. mfn. causing to burst,
[Hariv. 9563] उद्-वर्तन n. n. the act of rising, going up, ascending, jumping up,
[Megh.] ;
[Kathās.] ;
[VarBṛS.] the springing up of plants or grain &c.
swelling up, overflowing,
[Car.] drawing out metal, laminating,
[W.] grinding, pounding
rubbing or kneading the body, rubbing and cleansing it with fragrant unguents
the unguents used for that purpose (or to relieve pains in the limbs &c.),
[Yājñ.] ;
[Mn.] ;
[Suśr.] ;
[Kathās.] &c.
bad behaviour, bad conduct,