उपरत [uparata] p.p. p. p. p.
Stopped, ceased; उपरतान्यस्मिन् कुले व्रतानि Mbh. on
[P.I.4.11;] रजस्युपरते
[Ms.5.66.] Dead; अद्य दशमो मासस्तातस्योपरतस्य
[Mu.4.] Withdrawn or retired from; रणात्, कलहात् &c. भयाद्रणादुपरतम्
[Bg.2.34.] One who is disgusted with the world and has retired from it.-Comp.
-अरि a. a. having no foe.
-कर्मन् a. a. ceasing from works, not relying on worldly acts.
-विषयामिलाष a. a. one who has renounced all desire for worldly things.
-शोणिता (a woman) whose menses have ceased.-स्पृह a. void of desire, indifferent to worldly attachments or possessions.