Dictionaries | References


   { uparāgḥ }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  उपरागिणी


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
A variation in the musical mode called respectively राग & रागिणी. Ex. येक गायन करिति सप्रेम ॥ डुलत रांमचंद्र ऐकता ॥ राग उपराग भार्यासहित ॥ मूर्छना शरीर होई कंपित ॥ &c. See राग.
uparāga m S An eclipse.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English
 m  An eclipse. A variation in the musical mode.


 पु. ग्रहण . च्रंदासि लागति - कळा उपराग येतो । - नळ ५ . [ सं . उप + रंज ]
पुस्त्री . गौण राग , रागिणी . राग उपराग भार्यांसहित । सामगान एक करिती । - रावि ३६ . ६९ . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
उप-राग  m. m. the act of dyeing or colouring, colour, [Ragh.] ; [Kathās.] &c.
उप राग
darkening, eclipse (of sun and moon, caused by राहु), [Śak. 186 b] ; [MBh.] ; [VarBṛS.]
influence, affecting, [Sarvad.] ; [Kap.] ; [Prab.] &c.
misbehaviour, ill-conduct, [L.]
reproach, abuse, [L.]
राहु, [L.]


उपरागः [uparāgḥ]   1 An eclipse of the sun or moon; उपरागान्ते शशिनः समुपगता रोहिणी योगम् [Ś.7.22;] [Śi.2.45.]
Hence, Rāhu or the ascending node.
Redness, red colour, colour; कोपोपरागजनिताम् [Ratn.3.14;] [Mk.4;] कलहकोप˚ [Māl.9.]
A calamity, affliction, injury; blighting influence; मृणालिनी हैममिवोपरागम् [R.16.7.]
Misbehaviour, ill-conduct.
Reproach, blame, abuse.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
उपराग  m.  (-गः)
1. An eclipse of the sun or moon.
2. Rahu or the ascending node.
3. Calamity, affliction.
4. Misbehaviour, ill con- duct.
5. Reproach, abuse.
E. उप, रञ्ज् to colour, घञ् aff.
उप रञ्ज् घञ्

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