उप-शय a See
उप-√ शी.
उप-शय mfn. bmfn. lying near at hand or close by, lying ready for use,
[ŚBr.] ;
[ŚāṅkhŚr.] उप-शय m. m. one of the
यूपs (or posts to which the sacrificial animal is tied),
[TS. vi, 6, 4, 4] the lying near or by the side of
a kind of hole in the ground (placed near the track of wild animals, for a hunter to conceal himself in
[Mall.] on
[Śiś. ii, 80] )
(in med.) the allaying (of diseases) by suitable remedies, suitableness, usefulness, advantageous medicine,
[Car.] the liking, predilection (of a sick person as for coolness &c.),
ib.diagnosis by the effect of certain articles of food or medicine,