Dictionaries | References


   { kākōlḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
काकोल  m. m. a raven, [Mn. v, 14] ; [Yājñ. i, 174 &c.] (cf.काक and काकाल)
a boar, [L.]
a snake, [L.]
कुलाल   a potter (cf.), [L.]
the plant काकोली, [L.]
काकोल  mn. mn. a kind of poison, [L.]
a poisonous substance of a black colour or the colour of a raven (perhaps the berry of the Cocculus indicus), [W.]
काकोल  n. n. a division of hell, [Yājñ. iii, 223.]


काकोलः [kākōlḥ]   1 A raven; [Y.1.174;] [Mb.11.16.7.]
A snake.
A boar.
A potter.
A division of the infernal regions or hell; महानरककाकोलं संजीवनमहापथम् [Y.3.223.]
A poisonous substance.
-ली   A drug prepared through अष्टवर्ग.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
काकोल  mn.  (-लः-लं) A poisonous substances of a black colour, or the colour of a raven, whence its name; possibly the berry of the Cocculus Indicus.
 n.  (-ल) A division of the infernal regions or hell.
 m.  (-लः)
1. A raven.
2. A potter.
3. A snake.
4. A boar. 5. A drug; as follows.
 f.  (-ली) The name of a vegetable substance used in medicine, described as sweet and cooling, allaying fever, removing phlegm, &c.: it it said to be a root brought from Nepal or Morung.
E. काक to be unsteady, &c. and ओलच् affix, deriv. irr.
काक ओलच्

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