कुच r. 1st cl. (
1. To sound high, to utter a loud, shrill cry, as a bird.
2. To go.
3. To polish.
4. To touch.
5. To furrow or mark with lines.
6. To be crooked.
7. To write.
8. To oppose.
9. To contend.
10. To be restricted or confined, to contract.
r. 6th cl.
(शि) शिकुच (कुचति) or
सं prefixed, (
संकोचति or
1. To straiten, to narrow or contract.
2. To be straitened, to shrink, to contract. With
उत् to bribe;
वि, and
आ, to expand.
कुच m. (
-चः) A breast, a pap.
E. कुच् to bind or confine,
क aff.