कोविदारः [kōvidārḥ] रम् [ram] रम् N. of a tree; चित्तं विदारयति कस्य न कोविदारः [Ṛs.3.6;] [U.5.1.] कोशः, -शम् (षः, -षम्) [कुश् (ष्) आधारादौ घञ् कर्तरि अच् वा [Tv.] ] A vessel for holding liquids, a pail. A bucket, cup. A vessel in general. A box, cupboard, drawer, trunk; [Rv.6.47.23;] स एष कोशो वसुधानस्तस्मिन्विश्वमिदं श्रितम् [Ch. Up.3.15.1.] A sheath, scabbard; [Ki.17.45.] A case, cover, covering. A store, mass; ईश्वरः सर्वभूतानां धर्मकोशस्य गुप्तये [Ms.1.99.] A store-room. A treasury, an apartment where money is kept; [Ms.8.419.] Treasure, money, wealth; निःशेषविश्राणितकोषजातम् [R.5.1;] (fig. also); कोशस्तपसः [K.45;] कोशपूर्वाः सर्वारम्भाः [Kau.A.2.8.] Gold or silver wrought or unwrought. A dictionary, lexicon, vocabulary. A closed flower, bud; सुजातयोः पङ्कजकोशयोः श्रियम् [R.3.8,13.29;] इत्थं विचिन्तयति कोशगते द्विरेफे हा हन्त हन्त नलिनीं गज उज्जहार Subhāṣ. The stone of a fruit. A pod. A nut-meg, nut-shell. The cocoon of a silk-worm; निजलालासमायोगात्कोशं वा कोश- कारकः [Y.3.147.] Vulva, the womb. An egg. A testicle or the scrotum. The penis. A ball, globe. (In Vedānta phil.) A term for the five (अन्न, प्राण, मनः, विज्ञान, आनन्द) vestures (sheaths or cases) which successively make the body, enshrining the soul. (In law) A kind of ordeal; the defendant drinks thrice of the water after some idol has been washed in it; cf. [Y.2.112.] A house. A cloud. The interior of a carriage. A kind of bandage or ligature (in surgery). An oath; कोशं चक्रतु- रन्योन्यं सखङ्गौ नृपडामरौ [Rāj. T.2.326.] The pericarp of a lotus. A piece of meat. A cup used in the ratification of a treaty of peace; देवी कोशमपाययत् [Rāj. T.7.8,75,459,492.] शी (षी) A bud. A seed-vessel. The beard of corn. A shoe, sandal (पादुका). -Comp. -अधिपतिः, -अध्यक्षः a treasure, paymaster; (cf. the modern 'minister of finance'). an epithet of Kubera. -अगारः, -रम् a treasurer, store-room. कारः one who makes scabbards. a lexicographer. the silk-worm while in the cocoon; भूमिं च कोशकाराणाम् [Rām.4.4.23.] a chrysalis. sugar-cane. -कारकः a silk-worm. [Y.3.147.] -कृत् m. m. a kind of -गृहम् a treasury, store-room; [R.5.29.] -ग्रहणम् undergoing an ordeal. -चञ्चुः the (Indian) crane. नायकः, पालः a treasurer. An epithet of Kubera. -पेटकः, -कम् a chest in which treasure is kept, coffer. फलम् a kind of perfume. a nutmeg. -वारि water used at an ordeal; [Ks.119.35,42.] -वासिन् m. an animal living in a shell, a chrysalis.-वृद्धिः f. increase of treasure. enlargement of the scrotum. -वेश्मन् n. n. a treasury; भाण्डं च स्थापयामास तदीये कोषवेश्मनि [Ks.24.133.] -शायिका a clasped knife, knife lying in a sheath. -शुद्धिः f. f. purification by ordeal. -स्कृm. a silk-worm; त्यजेत कोशस्कृदिवेहमानः [Bhāg.7.6.13.] -स्थa. incased, sheathed. (-स्थः) an animal living in a shell (as a snail). -हीन a. a. deprived of riches, poor.