कौमार [kaumāra] a. a. (-री f.) [कुमार-अण्]
Juvenile, youthful, virgin, maidenly (of men and women); कौमारः पतिः a man who marries a virgin; कौमारी भार्या a virgin wife; cf. Mbh. on
[P.IV.2.13.] Soft, tender.
Belonging to the god of war;
[Māl.1.1.] Of principal incarnation; स एव प्रथमं देवः कौमारं सर्गमास्थितः
[Bhāg.1.3.6.] -री
The wife of one who has not married another wife.
The Śakti (power) of Kārtikeya.
रम् Childhood (to the age of five).
Maidenhood (to the age of sixteen), virginity; पीता रक्षति कौमारे भर्ता रक्षति यौवने
[Ms.9.3;] देहिनोऽ- स्मिन् यथा देहे कौमारं यौवनं जरा
[Bg.2.13.] -Comp.
-(ब्रह्म) चारिन् a. a. abstinent, chaste;
[Ks.66.155.] -तन्त्रम् the section of a medical work, treating of the rearing or education of children.
-बन्धकी a harlot;
[Māl.7.] -भृत्यम् the rearing and general treatment of children.-राज्यम् the position of an heir-apparent; कौमार (v. l. कुमार) राज्ये जीवस्व
[Rām.2.58.23.] -व्रतः (तम्) a vow of abstinence.
-हर a.
marrying or gaining a woman as a girl.
devirginating; यः कौमारहरः स एव हि वरः
[K. P.1.]