Dictionaries | References


   { kaumāra }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  कौमात्व


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
See : कौमार्य


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
kaumāra n S Childhood, i. e. the period included betwixt the fifth and the tenth year.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi
See : कौमार्य


 न. बालपण ; पांच ते दहा वयापावेतों वय ; कुमारपण . ' एथ कौमारत्व दिसें । ' - ज्ञा . २ . १०९ . ( सं .)


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
कौमार  mfn. mf()n. (fr.कुमार॑, or °री, [Pāṇ. 4-2, 13] ), juvenile, youthful, belonging to a youth or young girl, maiden, maidenly, (कौ॑मार लोक॑, the youths and girls, [AV. xii, 3, 47] ; कौमारी भार्या [[Pat.] and, [Kāś.] on [Pāṇ. 4-2, 13] ], ‘a virgin wife, one who has not had a husband previously’ [R.] ; कौमार पति [[Kāś.] ; or °र भर्तृ, [Pat.] on [Pāṇ. 4-2, 13] ], ‘a man who marries a virgin’ [Kathās. cxxvii, 55] ; कौमार व्रत, a vow of abstinence, [MBh.] )
soft, tender, [W.]
relating to the god of war, belonging or peculiar to him, relating to सनत्-कुमार, [MBh.] ; [BhP.] ; [Kathās. ii, 76] ; [Parāś.] ; [Madhus.]
कौमार  m. m. the son of a maiden, [L.]
-पर्वत   N. of a mountain (cf.), [MBh. vi, 426]
कौमार  m. m. pl. the followers of कुमार's grammar, Prauḍh.
कौमार  n. n. childhood, youth (from birth to the age of five), maidenhood (to the age of sixteen), [Mn. ix, 3] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.
कौमार  f. n. (ifc.f(). ), [Kathās.]


कौमार [kaumāra] a.  a. (-री f.) [कुमार-अण्]
Juvenile, youthful, virgin, maidenly (of men and women); कौमारः पतिः a man who marries a virgin; कौमारी भार्या a virgin wife; cf. Mbh. on [P.IV.2.13.]
Soft, tender.
Belonging to the god of war; [Māl.1.1.]
Of principal incarnation; स एव प्रथमं देवः कौमारं सर्गमास्थितः [Bhāg.1.3.6.] -री
The wife of one who has not married another wife.
The Śakti (power) of Kārtikeya.
रम् Childhood (to the age of five).
Maidenhood (to the age of sixteen), virginity; पीता रक्षति कौमारे भर्ता रक्षति यौवने [Ms.9.3;] देहिनोऽ- स्मिन् यथा देहे कौमारं यौवनं जरा [Bg.2.13.] -Comp.
-(ब्रह्म) चारिन् a.  a. abstinent, chaste; [Ks.66.155.]
-तन्त्रम्   the section of a medical work, treating of the rearing or education of children.
-बन्धकी   a harlot; [Māl.7.] -भृत्यम् the rearing and general treatment of children.-राज्यम् the position of an heir-apparent; कौमार (v. l. कुमार) राज्ये जीवस्व [Rām.2.58.23.]
-व्रतः (तम्)   a vow of abstinence.
-हर   a.
marrying or gaining a woman as a girl.
devirginating; यः कौमारहरः स एव हि वरः [K. P.1.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
कौमार  mfn.  adj. (-रः-री-रं)
1. Maiden, virgin.
2. Juvenile.
3. Soft, ten- der.
 f.  (-री) One of the seven Matris, the divine mothers or perso- nified energies of the gods; the energy or Sakti of KUMARA or KARTIKEYA.
 n.  (-रं)
1. Youth, childhood, from birth to the age of five.
2. Maidenhood to the age of sixteen.
E. कुमार a youth, and अञ् aff.; or कुमार the deity KARTIKEYA, अण् and ङीष् affixes.
कुमार अञ् कुमार अण् ङीष्


See : मुदु

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