Dictionaries | References क क्षुरप्र Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 क्षुरप्र A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | क्षुर—प्र mfn. mfn. sharp-edged like a razor, [BhP. iii, 13, 30] ROOTS:क्षुर प्रक्षुर—प्र m. m. a sharp-edged arrow, [MBh. iii, 14892; iv, 1732] ; [Ragh. ix, 62] ROOTS:क्षुर प्र xi, 29; [BhP.] ; [Śāntiś.] ; [Devīm.] तीक्ष्ण-शस्त्र a sharp-edged knife (ed.Bomb.), [Pañcat. i] ROOTS:तीक्ष्ण शस्त्र a sharp-edged arrow-head, [ŚārṅgP.] a sort of hoe or weeding spade, [W.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 क्षुरप्र Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | क्षुरप्र m. (-प्रः) 1. kind of arrow, one with a sharp-horse-shoe-shaped head. 2. A sort of hoe or weeding spade. E. क्षुर a hoof, and प्रथ् to go, ड affix; also खुरप्र. ROOTS:क्षुर प्रथ् ड खुरप्र Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP