Dictionaries | References


   { garbhḥ, garbha(m), garbha }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
GARBHA   A son of Bharata, the son of Duṣyanta. Suhotra, Suhotā, Gaya, Garbha and Suketu were the five sons of Bharata. [Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 278] .
GARBHA(M)   The Purāṇas have described the views of sages about the origin of ātman in woman's womb. Asitamahāmuni stated the following about the birth of a child to King Janaka. [Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa. Chapter 48] . Of the seven elements in the human body, viz., Rasa, Rakta (blood), Māṁsa (flesh), Medas (fost), Asthi (bone), Majjā (marrow) and Śukla (seminal fluid) the last one, Śukla, is the most valuable. Brahmabīja (the seed for production) is contained in Śukla. From the food we consume, blood and the seminal fluid take their nutrition. The Śukla emitted during coitus enters the womb of the woman propelled as it were by Kroṣṭavāyu. It takes only one night for the Śukla to get inextricably mixed with blood in the womb. In that mixing if the proportion of blood is higher, the child born will be girl, and if the proportion of Śukla is higher, the offspring will be boy. If blood and Śukla are mixed exactly in equal proportions the child will be ‘neutral’, neither girl nor boy. During the first month of pregnancy the child will be in liquid form. In the second, it solidifies due to the mixing and interplay of heat, cold, air, etc. During the third, holes for eye, ear, etc. become ready and the vein system is formed. In the fourth, head, hands and legs of the child are formed, and it is during this period that the prospective mother develops certain desires. If those desires are not satisfied the child may be born with physical deformities. During the fifth month the hips and bones develop. The various organs get firmer and stronger gradually and fingers appear during the sixth month. It is during the sixth month that hairs on the head and body appear and feelings and emotions originate in the mind. During the seventh month the ten vāyus (winds) on the basis of the nervous system are released, and the child experiences glimpses of its previous existence, and ability to feel pain also is there. During the ninth month due to the force of the wind which effects actual delivery the child gets head down in the womb, and during the tenth month it emerges out of the womb. The child loses its memory about the past because of its contact with the female organ and external wind. According to the Agni Purāṇa the process is a little different: When Jīva (the soul) has entered the womb for rebirth it remains in fluid form during the first month. During the second month it solidifies; in the third month the organs begin to develop, in the fourth month skin, flesh and bones appear, in the fifth month hairs appear, in the sixth month mind is produced, in the seventh month the child will begin to feel pain. The body is covered by a skin (Garbhacarma) and both hands are held above the head in saluting position. If the child is a female it lies in the left side of the mother's womb, if a male on the right and if ‘neutral’ in the middle of it. From the seventh month the child begins to experience the taste of foods consumed by the mother. During the eighth and ninth month there would be great emotional excitements and upsurges. If the mother suffered from chronic diseases the child also would inherit it. When pregnancy is matured thus, certain winds lead the child down the womb and it gets out through the female organ. The child inherits its skin, flesh and heart from the mother. The sex organ, marrow, excretion, sweet and belly are inherited from the father. Head, the nervous system and śukla are the contributions of the ātman. [Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 369] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : गर्भाशय, गर्भावस्था, भ्रूण, गर्भ उपनिषद्


गर्भ n.  (सो. तुर्वसु.) मत्स्य के मतानुसार यह तुर्वसुपुत्र है ।


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
   See : भ्रूण


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A fœtus or an embryo. 2 Pulp, pith, kernel, marrow, heart, interior portion gen.: the essence, moral, sum, substance, figuratively. 3 Surface or space included, area. 4 The middle, the exact centre. 5 Meaning or import; as ग्रंथ- गर्भ, श्लोकगर्भ, वाक्यगर्भ. 6 The interior or inside: e. g. the womb; the belly; an inner apartment; a lying-in-chamber; the adytum of a temple. Arbitrary or occasional compounds occur; as गर्भ- कवि-गायक-बृहस्पति A poet, singer, orator from birth. गर्भ संभवणें-समावणें-राहणें in. con. To conceive in the womb. गर्भाचें करणें or, with g. of s., होणें To dine, esp. to dine luxuriously; to fill out one's bags. गर्भीं Whilst in the womb; whilst as yet unborn; e. g. गर्भीं अंधळा-रोगी-शाहणा-ज्ञानी-श्रीमंत Blind, sickly, clever, wise, rich from the very birth; गर्भीं रोग-राज्य-वैराग्य Sickness, kingly rule, holy affections obtained at birth. गर्भीं रोजमुरा Provision made for the unborn offspring of.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  A fœtus or an embryo. Pulp, kernel, marrow; heart, interior portion. Fig. The essence, moral, substance. The middle, the exact centre. The interior or inside, e. g., the womb, an inner apartment, the adytum of a temple.
गर्भ संभवणें,-समावणें-राहणें   Conceive in the womb.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
   See : भ्रूण


   गर्भगलित होणें
   एकदम भीति, धसका बसल्‍याने गरोदर स्‍त्रीचा गर्भ बाहेर येतो, गर्भपात होतो. यावरून अतिशय घाबरणें. ‘त्‍या नजरेमध्ये इतका दरारा होता की, शिपाई लोक गर्भगलित होऊन लागलेच मागे हटले.’-पामो ६०.


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   See : गर्भावस्था


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गर्भ  m. m. (√ ग्रभ् = ग्रह्, ‘to conceive’; √ 2.गॄ, [Uṇ. iii, 152] ) the womb, [RV.] ; [AV.] &c.
  f. the inside, middle, interior of anything, calyx (as of a lotus), [MBh.] ; [VarBṛS.] &c. (ifc.f(). , ‘having in the interior, containing, filled with’ [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; [RPrāt.] ; [MBh.] &c.)
   an inner apartment, sleeping-room, [L.]
   any interior chamber, adytum or sanctuary of a temple &c., [VarBṛS.] ; [RTL.] p.445
   a foetus or embryo, child, brood or offspring (of birds), [RV.] ; [AV.] &c.
   a woman's courses, [Viṣṇ.]
   ‘offspring of the sky’ i.e. the fogs and vapour drawn upwards by the rays of the sun during eight months and sent down again in the rainy season (cf.[Mn. ix, 305] ), [R. iv, 27, 3] ; [VarBṛS.] ; [Bālar. viii, 50]
   the bed of a river (esp. of the Ganges) when fullest i.e. on the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month भाद्र or in the height of the rains (the गर्भ extends to this point, after which the तीर or proper bank begins, and extends for 150 cubits, this space being holy ground)
   the situation in a drama when the complication of the plot has reached its height, [Daśar. i, 36] ; [Sāh. vi, 68 and 79]
   the rough coat of the जक fruit, [L.]
   fire, [L.]
   joining, union, [L.]
   N. of a ऋषि (called प्राजापत्य), [Kāṭh.]
गर्भ   [cf.अमृत-, अर्ध-, कृष्ण-, मूढ-, विश्व-, हिरण्य-; cf. also δελφός; Hib.cilfin, ‘the belly’; Angl.Sax.hrif; Germ.kalb: Engl. calf.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गर्भः [garbhḥ]   [गॄ-भन् [Uṇ.3.152] ]
   The womb, the belly; गर्भेषु वसतिः [Pt.1;] पुनर्गर्भे च संभवम् [Ms.6.63.]
   A fœtus, embryo; act of conception, pregnancy; conception; नरपतिकुलभूत्यै गर्भमाधत्त राज्ञी [P.2.75;] गर्भोऽभवद्भूधरराज- पत्न्याः [Ku.1.19;] गर्भं वहति [Pt.1.3] bears a child in the womb.
   The time of conception; गर्भाष्टमेऽब्दे कुर्वित ब्राह्मणस्योपनायनम् [Ms.2.36.]
   The child (in the womb); [Ś.6;] ततः कुमारं सुरगर्भकल्पम् [Bu. Ch.2.19] ; cf. 'गर्भो भ्रूणेऽ- र्भके कुक्षौ' Medinī.
   A child, brood or offspring of birds.
   The inside, middle, or interior of anything (in comp. in this sense and translated by 'full of', 'filled with', 'containing' &c.); हिमगर्भैर्मयूखैः [Ś.3.4;] शुक˚ कोटर 1.14;7.7; ˚पत्रम् [U.3.5.] inwardly situated; अग्निगर्भां शमीमिव [Ś.4.4;] [R.3.9;5.17;9.55;] [Śi.9.62;] [Māl.3.12;] [Mu.1.12.]
   The offspring of the sky,i. e. the vapours and fogs drawn upwards by the rays of the sun during 8 months and sent down again in the rainy season; cf. [Ms.9.35;] नवमासधृतं गर्भं भास्करस्य गभस्तिभिः [Rām.4.28.3.]
   An inner apartment, a lying-in-chamber.
   Any interior chamber.
   A hole.
   The rough coat of the jack-fruit (पनसकण्टक).
   the bed of a river, especially of the Ganges on the fourteenth day of the dark half of Bhādrapada or in the very height of the rains when the river is fullest.
   The fruit (of plants).
   Joining, union.
   The calyx of the lotus.
   (In dramas) One of the Sandhis q. v. -Comp.
-अङ्कः   (also गर्भेऽङ्कः) an interlude during an act, as the scene of the birth of Kuśa and Lava in [U.7,] or the सीतास्वयंवर in Bālarāmāyaṇa. The [S. D.] thus defines it: अङ्कोदर- प्रविष्टो यो रङ्गद्वारामुखादिमान् । अङ्कोऽपरः स गर्भाङ्कः सबीजः फलवानपि ॥ 279.
-अवक्रान्तिः  f. f. descent of the soul into the womb.-अवटः see गर्भभाजनम्.
   अष्टमः the eighth month from conception.
   the eighth year from conception.-अस्पन्दनम् non-quickening of the fœtus.
   वासः the womb; असकृद्गर्भवासेषु वासं जन्म च दारुणम् [Ms.12.78.]
   being in the womb.
-विच्युतिः  f. f. abortion in the beginning of pregnancy.
-विपत्तिः   death of the fœtus.
-वेदना   throes of child-birth.
-व्याकरणम्   the formation of the embryo.
-शङ्कुः   a kind of instrument for extracting the dead fœtus.
-शय्या   the abode of the fœtus or uterus.
-संभवः, -संभूतिः  f. f. becoming pregnant; वर्षद्वयं प्रविष्टस्य वर्ततऽन्तःपुरेऽत्र मे । तदेषा गर्भसंभूतिः कुतः संप्रति कथ्यताम् [Ks.5.61.]
-संभवा   a kind of cardamoms (Mar. एलची).
-स्थ   a.
   situated in the womb.
   interior, internal.
-स्रावः   abortion, miscarriage; वरं गर्भस्रावः [Pt.1;] [Y.3.2;] [Ms.5.66.]
   आगारम् uterus.
   an inner and private room, the female apartments.
   a lying-in-chamber.
   the body or sanctuary of a temple, the chamber where the image of a deity is placed; एकैव देवं द्रष्टुं च गर्भागारमथाविशत् [Ks.7.71.]
   आधानम् impregnation; गर्भाधानक्षणपरिच- यान्नूनमाबद्धमालाः (बलाकाः) [Me.9.]
   one of the Saṁskāras or purificatory ceremonies performed after menstruation to ensure or facilitate conception; (this ceremony legalizes in a religious sense the consummation of marriage); [Y.1.11.]
-आशयः   the uterus, the womb.
-आस्रावः   mis-carriage, abortion.
-ईश्वरः   one born rich (cf. 'born in the purple'); a sovereign or rich man by birth. ˚ता sovereignty attained by inheritance; प्राप्तैश्वर्यो भवेन्मूढो गर्भेश्वरतयान्यथा [Rāj. T.5.199.] -उत्पत्तिःf. the formation of the embryo.
-उपघातः   miscarriage of the embryo (applied to the sky); [Bṛi. S.21.25.] -उपघातिनी a cow or female miscarrying from unseasonable gestation.
-उपपत्तिः  f. f. formation of the embryo.-कर,
-कार a.  a. impregnating, procreative.
   कालः time of impregnation.
   the time when the vapour collected in the air shows the first signs of life.
-कोशः, -षः   uterus.-क्लेशः pains caused by the embryo, the throes of parturition or childbirth.
-क्षयः   miscarriage.
-गृहम्, -भवनम्, -वेश्मन्  n. n.
   an inner apartment, the body of a house; [Mb.5.118.19;] [R.19.42.]
   the sanctuary or body of a temple; निर्गत्य गर्भभवनात् [Māl.1.]
-ग्रहणम्   impregnation, conception.
-ग्राहिका   a midwife; [Ks.34.]
-घातिन् a.  a. causing abortion.
-चलनम्   quickening, motion of the fœtus in the uterus.
-चेटः   a servant by birth; नर्मभिर्गर्भचेटानां द्वास्थानां विक्रियाक्रमैः [Rāj. T.3.153.]
   fallen from the womb (as a child).
-च्युतिः  f. f.
   birth; delivery.
-दासः, -सी   a slave by birth; (often used as a term of abuse or reproach.); यथा गर्भदासः कर्मार्थ एव स्वामिनोऽनड्वाँश्च क्रीयते । ŚB. on [MS.3.1.2.] -दिवसाः certain days on which the vapours collected in the air show signs of life; [Bṛi.21.5.]
-द्रुह् a.  a. (nom. sing. ˚ध्रुक्-ड्) causing abortion.
-धम्   Ved. semen virile.
-धरा   pregnant.
-धारणम्, -धारणा   gestation, impregnation.
-धिः   Ved.
   a breeding place, a nest; कपोत इव गर्भधिम् [Rv.1.3.4.]
-ध्वंसः   abortion.
-नाडी   the umbilical cord.
   न्यासः laying the foundation.
   the foundations.
-परिस्रवः   secundines or fœtal membranes collectively.
-पाकिन्  m. m. rice ripening in sixty days.-पातः miscarriage after the fourth month of pregnancy.-पोषणम्,
-भर्मन्  n. n. nourishment of the fœtus, gestation; अनुष्ठिते भिषग्भिराप्तैरथ गर्भभर्मणि [R.3.12.]
-भाजनम्   the foundation pit, the excavation.
-मण्डपः   an inner apartment, a bed-chamber.
-मासः   month of pregnancy.-मोचनम् delivery, birth.
-योपा   a pregnant woman; (fig.) the Ganges overflowing its banks.
-रक्षणम्   protecting the fœtus.
-रन्धिः   complete cooking; स्थाल्य- ग्नितापात्पयसोऽमितापस्तत्तापतस्तण्डुलगर्भरन्धिः [Bhāg.5.1.22.] -रूप a. childish, youthful, juvenile.
-रूपः, -रूपकः   a child, an infant, a youth.
-लक्षण a.  a. observing the signs of the rainy season. (-णम्) a symptom of pregnancy.
-लम्भनम्   a ceremony performed for the sake of facilitating and developing pregnancy.
-वसतिः  f. f.,


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गर्भ  m.  (-र्भः)
   1. A fœtus or embryo.
   2. A child.
   3. The belly.
   4. The in- side, the middle.
   5. Joining, union.
   6. The rough coat of the fruit of the Jaka.
   7. An inner apartment, a lying-in chamber.
   8. Any interior chamber, the adytum of a temple, &c.
   9. The bed of the Ganges, when the river is fullest; that is, on the fourteenth day of of the dark half of the month Bhadra, or in the height of the rains; as high as the river flows at this period, so far extends the Garbha, after which the Tir or proper bank begins, and extends for 150 cubits; this space is holy ground.
   10. The calyx of the lotus. The interior or inner part of any thing.
   E. गृ to drop, or गॄ to swallow, Unadi affix मन्; also read गर्भ.
गृ गॄ मन्; गर्भ


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : गर्भोपनिषद्

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