Dictionaries | References ग गुणनिधि { guṇanidhi } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 गुणनिधि Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | GUṆANIDHI A Purāṇic character who lived a sinful life and yet attained Svarga. In the country of Kosala there was once a noble brahmin named Girinātha who was rich, erudite and well-versed in the Vedas. Considering his greatness people called him Girināthadīkṣita. Guṇanidhi was his son. When Guṇanidhi grew up he started his education under a preceptor called Sudhiṣṇa. Sudhiṣṇa had a wife named Muktāvalī. After some time Guṇanidhi started having clandestine relations with Muktāvalī. This developed so much that Guṇanidhi gave poison to his guru and killed him. His parents came to know of this and they came and reprimanded him. Evilnatured Guṇanidhi thought that the presence of his parents would be an annoyance to him in future. So Guṇanidhi and Muktāvalī planned together to kill his parents and one day they poisoned them. After some time Guṇanidhi and his wife lost all they had and gradually Guṇanidhi turned himself into a thief and drunkard. Nobody in the village liked the couple and all the villagers combined together and sent the couple away from the place. Guṇanidhi and Muktāvalī went to the forests and there they started a life of looting the travellers. After some years of a sinful life Guṇanidhi one day died lying beneath a Rudrākṣa tree. Servants of both Yama and Śiva came to claim the soul of Guṇanidhi. The servants of Yama said that the right place of Guṇanidhi the sinner, was in hell but the servants of Śiva said that even if he was a great sinner his place was in heaven because he died lying beneath a Rudrākṣa tree. In the end the Śivadūtas won and took Guṇanidhi to heaven. This story was once told by Śiva himself to demonstrate the glory of Rudrākṣa. [Skandha 11, Devī Bhāgavata] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 गुणनिधि प्राचीन चरित्रकोश | Hindi Hindi | | गुणनिधि n. श्रोत्रिय यज्ञदत्त का पुत्र । यह अत्यंत दुर्गुणी तथा व्यसनी था । शिवपूजा देखने के कारण, तथा शिवदीप की बाती प्रज्वलित करने के कारण, यह मुक्त हुआ [शिव. रुद्र. सृ. १८] । तदनंतर कुबेर ने इसे उत्तर दिशा का अधिपति नियुक्त किया [स्कंद. ४.१ १३] । Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 गुणनिधि नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali Nepali | | See : गुणी Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 गुणनिधि A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | गुण—निधि m. m. ‘treasury of good qualities’, an excellent man ROOTS:गुण निधि N. of a man, [SkandaP.] Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP