Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   ghaṭamāna p pr S That is under the maker or performer; that is in hand or in progress. 2 That is coming about or may come about, occurring or occurrible, probable.


 वि.  १ चालू असलेलें ; हातीं धरलेलें ; हातांत घेतलेलें . २ होणारें ; घडणारें ; घडण्याजोगे ; संभवनीय . म्हणूनि दुर्घटात्व हें भूषण । मायेसी नव्हे दूषण । ती ब्रह्मी असे घटमान । तरी माया नव्हे ती । - विपु ३ . ३७ . [ सं . ]

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