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   { cakṣus }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
   A tributary of river Gaṅgā. Starting from Viṣṇupāda (Svarga) the Gaṅgā falls into Devayāna and thence into the moon and after flooding the whole area it divides itself into four tributaries, viz., Sītā, Cakṣus, Alakanandā and Bhadrā and falls into Brahmaloka and flows in four directions. Of the four tributaries the river called Cakṣus falls on the peak of Mount Mālyavān and then flows through Ketumāla and falls into the western sea. The Gaṅgā which flows through India is a branch of the above-mentioned tributary, Alakanandā. [Devī Bhāgavata, Aṣṭama Skandha] .
CAKṢUS I   A synonym of the Sun. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 42] .
CAKṢUS III   A king born in the lunar dynasty. He was the son of King Anudruhyu. [Bhāgavata, Navama Skandha] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चक्षुस्  mfn. mfn. seeing, [RV. ii, 39, 5]
   x; [AV. v, 24, 9; x, 10, 15]
चक्षुस्  m. m.N. of a मरुत्, [Hariv. 11545]
   of a ऋषि (with the patr.मानव, author of [RV. ix, 106, 4-6] ), [RAnukr.]
   of another ऋषि (with the patr.सौर्य, author of [RV. x, 158] ), ib.
   of a son of अनु, [BhP. ix, 23, 1]
चक्षुस्  f. f.N. of a river, [BhP. v, 17, 6 f.]
चक्षुस्  n. n. light, clearness, [RV.] ; [SV.]
°क्षसे   the act of seeing (dat.inf. = ), [AV. xviii, 3, 10]
   aspect, [RV. x, 87, 8]
   faculty of seeing, sight, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [TS. ii, v] ; [AitBr. ii, 6] ; [ŚBr. x, xiv] ; [Mn.] &c.
   a look, [RV.] ; [AV. iv, 9, 6]
   the eye, [RV.] &c. (often ifc.cf.-, अ॑-घोर-, अ॑-दब्ध-, &c.)
प्रजापतेस् त्रीणि चक्षूंषि   , ‘the 3 eyes of प्रजा-पति’, N. of a सामन्, [ĀrṣBr.]
मित्रा-वरुणयोश् चक्षुः   , ‘the eye of मित्र and वरुण’ (cf.[RV. vii, 61, 1] ), another सामन्, [ĀrṣBr.]
मित्रा वरुणयोश् चक्षुः
°क्षुर्-बहल   = , [L.]
°क्षुर् बहल


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चक्षुस् [cakṣus] a.  a. [चक्ष् करणे उसि [Uṇ.2.118] ] Seeing. -n.
   The eye; दृश्यं तमसि न पश्यति दीपेन विना सचक्षुरपि [M.1.9;] कृष्णसारे ददच्चक्षुः [Ś.1.6;] cf. words like घ्राणचक्षुस्, ज्ञानचक्षुस्, नयचक्षुस्, चारचक्षुस् &c.
   Sight, look, vision, the faculty of sight; चक्षुरायुश्चैव प्रहीयते [Ms.4.41,42.]
   Light, clearness.
   Lustre, splendour. -Comp.
-गोचर a.  a. visible, being within the range of the eye.
-ग्रहणम्   morbid affection of the eye.
-दानम्   the ceremony of anointing the eyes of an image at the time of consecrating it.
-पथः   the range of sight, the horizon.
-बन्धः   blinding the sight; [Vās.67.]
-मलम्   the excretion of the eyes.
-रागः   (चक्षूरागः)
   redness in the eyes.
   'eye-love', love or liking as expressed by an exchange of glances; पुरश्चक्षूरागस्तदनु मनसोऽनन्यपरता [Māl. 6.15;] चक्षूरागः कोकिलेषु न परकलत्रेषु [K.41] (where the word has sense 1 also).
-रोगः (चक्षूरोग)   a disease of the eye.
   विषयः the range of sight, ken, presence, visibility; चक्षुर्विषयातिक्रान्तेषु कपोतेषु [H.1;] [Ms.2.198.]
   an object of sight, any visible object.
   the horizon.-श्रवस् m. a serpent; तमाशु चक्षुःश्रवसां समूहं मन्त्रेण तार्क्ष्यो- दयकारणेन
-श्रुति  m. m. (=
-श्रवस्) गोभिः कण्ठतटस्य हृष्यति पुरो दृक्पश्य चक्षुःश्रुतेः   Rāj. T.5.1; [Ki.16.42;] इति स्म चक्षुःश्रवसां प्रियानले स्तुवन्ति निन्दन्ति हृदा तदात्मनः [N.1.28.]
-हन् a.  a. who kills the enemy by the mere glance; सेवे चक्षुर्हणः पार्थानुग्र- वीर्यप्रतापिनः [Mb.3.233.22.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चक्षुस्  n.  (-क्षुः) The eye.
   E. चक्ष् to speak, and करणे उसि aff.
चक्ष् करणे उसि

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