n A holy day or festival. A name given to certain days in the lunar month. The moment of the sun's entering a new sign. A conjuncture or juncture. Fig. The time or season of any very general practice, the reign, prime. A joint or articulation. A division or section of a book, containing several अध्याय or chapters.
पर्व चुकणें-टळणें &c. To have an opportunity slip from one.
पर्व साधणे-गांठणें &c. To hit an opportunity.
on which particular ceremonies are commanded, and high degrees of merit are ascribed to obedience; a holy day or festival. 2 A name given to certain days in the lunar month; as the full and change of the moon, and the 6th, 8th, and 10th of each half-month. 3 The moment of the sun's entering a new sign. 4 A conjuncture or juncture; an opportune period. 5 fig. The time or season of any very general practice, of overflowing abundance &c.; the reign, meridian, heyday, zenith, prime, plenitude. 6 A joint or articulation. 7 A division or section of a book, containing several अध्याय or chapters. पर्व चुकणें-टळणें &c. To have an opportunity slip from one. पर्व साधणें-गांठणें &c. To form or to hit an opportunity.
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