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   { citrāṅgadā }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
   Daughter of Viśvakarmā. Once while she was bathing in a pond along with her companions in the forest of Naimiśa Prince Suratha, son of Sudeva, came that way. Seeing him Citrāṅgadā told her companions “This beautiful young man is in love. I must give myself to him”. Though her companions objected to her doing this, waving aside the objections Citrāṅgadā approached Suratha. When Viśvakarmā knew about this he was extremely angry and cursed her saying that she would never have a marriage. Citrāṅgadā fainted when she heard the curse and her companions tried their best to wake her up, but failed. They then took her to be dead and left the place in search of firewood and other things to conduct a funeral. When Citrāṅgadā woke up she looked around for her companions and finding none including her lover, the prince, she ran and threw herself into the river, Sarasvatī. That river pushed her down to river Gomatī and that river in turn washed her ashore a huge forest. There she was met by the sage Ṛtadhvaja. Knowing her sad tale the sage felt compassion for her and cursed Viśvakarmā to be born as a monkey. Then he let her marry her lover and blessed them. [Chapters 63 and 64, Vāmana Purāṇa] .
CITRĀṄGADĀ I   A celestial maiden. Once this girl gave a dance in the court of Kubera in honour of Aṣṭāvakra. [Śloka 44, Chapter 19, Anuśāsana Parva] .
CITRĀṄGADĀ II   A wife of Arjuna. General information. When once Dharmaputra was closeted with Pāñcālī in amorous talks Arjuna by mistake entered the room and was thus compelled as per a previous mutual agreement to go on a pilgrimage for a year. During this exile he married the serpent girl Ulūpī. After that he proceeded again on his pilgrimage and reached a state called Maṇalūr. Maṇalūr was then reigned by a King called Citravāhana. Citrāṅgadā was the daughter of Citravāhana. An ancestor of Citravāhana greatly grieved by the lack of a son, did great penance to propitiate Śiva and Śiva blessed him and said that in future he and his successors would get a son to keep their line unbroken. Accordingly all the forefathers of Citravāhana got a son each but when it came to the turn of the latter he got a girl instead. Arjuna accidentally saw Citrāṅgadā and fell in love with her, and knowing that, the king received Arjuna in his palace and requested Arjuna to marry his daughter. Arjuna married her and the couple got a son named Babhruvāhana. Promising them that he would come back and take them to Hastināpura Arjuna continued his pilgrimage. [Chapters 219, 220, and 221, Ādi Parva] .
2) How Citrāṅgadā came to Hastināpura.
When after the great epic battle Dharmaputra conducted an Aśvamedhayajña it was Arjuna who led the sacrificial horse to the south. When Arjuna came to Maṇalūr he came against Babhruvāhana who challenged him for a fight. In the grim battle that ensued Arjuna fell dead by the piercing arrows of Babhruvāhana, his own son. At that time Ulūpī and Citrāṅgadā came to the scene and seeing Arjuna lying dead, Ulūpī brought the diamond, Mṛtasañjīvanī, and placing it on Arjuna's face brought him back to life. (See Babhruvāhana for details). After this incident all of them, Citrāṅgadā, Ulūpī and Babhruvāhana went to Hastināpura along with Arjuna. [Chapters 79 to 81, Aśvamedha Parva] .
3) Other details
(1) Citrāṅgadā on reaching Hastināpura bowed down before Kuntī and Pāñcālī touching their feet and lived amicably with others like Subhadrā. [Śloka 2, Chapter 88, Aśvamedha Parva] .
(2) Kuntī, Subhadrā and Pāñcālī gave Citrāṅgadā many diamonds as present. [Śloka 3, Chapter 88, Aśvamedha Parva] .
(3) Citrāṅgadā looked to the comforts of Gāndhārī as a servant-maid. [Śloka 23, Chapter 1, Āśramavāsika Parva] .
(4) Citrāṅgadā was one among the women who wept when at the fag end of their life Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Gāndhārī and Kuntī started for Vanavāsa (life in the forest). [Śloka 10, Chapter 15, Āśramavāsika Parva] .
(5) Citrāṅgadā was a beautiful woman having an enchanting figure as that of a Madhūka flower. [Śloka 11, Chapter 25, Āśramavāsika Parva] .
(6) After the Mahāprasthāna of the Pāṇḍavas Citrāṅgadā left for Maṇipur. [Śloka 18, Chapter 1, Mahāprasthānika Parva] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चित्राङ्गदा  f. f.N. of an अप्सरस्, [MBh. xiii, 1424]
   of a wife of अर्जुन (daughter of चित्र-वाहन and mother of बभ्रु-वाहन), i, xiv


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  रावणस्य एका पत्नी।   Ex. चित्राङ्गदायाः वर्णनं रामायणे लभ्यते।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  अर्जुनस्य एका पत्नी।   Ex. चित्राङ्गदा राज्ञः चित्रवाहनस्य पुत्री आसीत्।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)

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