चि 1.cl. 5. चिनो॑ति, °नुते (1. pl. चिनुमस् and °न्मस्, [Pāṇ. 6-4, 107] ; perf. चिकाय and चिचाय, vii, 3, 58; 2. चिचेथ, 2, 61; [Kāś.] ; 3. pl. चिक्यु॑र्, [AV. x, 2, 4] ; p. चिकिवस्, [Kāṭh. xxii, 6] ; Ā. चिक्ये and चिच्ये, [Vop. xii, 2] ; p. चिक्यान॑, [TS. v] ; 2nd fut. p. चेष्यत्, [Lāṭy.] ; 1st fut. चेता, [Pāṇ. 7-2, 61] ; [Kāś.] ; aor. अचैषीत्, [Kāś.] on iii, 1, 42 and vii, 2, 1; Ved. चिकयाम् अकर्, iii, 1, 42; [Kāś.] ; 1. sg. अचैषम्, 2. sg. अचैस्, [Kāṭh. xxii, 6] ; 3. pl. अचैषुर्, [Bhaṭṭ.] ; Ā. अचेष्ट, [Pāṇ. 1-2, 11] ; [Kāś.] ; Prec. चेषीष्ट, ib., or चीयात्, vii, 4, 25; [Kāś.] ; ind.p. चित्वा॑, [AV.] &c.; Pass. चीयते, [MuṇḍUp.] &c.; fut. चायिष्यते & चेष्य्°Cond. अचायिष्यत & अचेष्य्°, [Pāṇ. 6-4, 62] ; [Kāś.] ) to arrange in order, heap up, pile up, construct (a sacrificial altar; P. , if the priests construct the altar for another; Ā. , if the sacrificer builds it for himself), [AV.] ; [VS.] ; [TS. v] ; [Kāṭh.] ; [ŚBr.] ; to collect, gather together, accumulate, acquire for one's self, [MuṇḍUp.] ; [MBh. i, v] ; to search through (for collecting; cf. √ 2.), [MBh. v, 1255] ; [Kām.] ( [Pañcat.] ); to cover, inlay, set with, [MBh.] ; Pass. चीयते, to become covered with, [Suśr. v, 8, 31] ; to increase, thrive, [Mudr. i, 3] ; [Kpr. x, 52 a/b] ( [Sāh.] ) : Caus. चययति and चपय्°, to heap up, gather, [Dhātup. xxxii, 85] ; चाययति and चापय्°, [Pāṇ. 6-1, 54] : Desid. चिकीषते (also °ति, vii, 3, 58; [Kāś.] ) to wish to pile up, [ŚBr. ix] ; KātyŚr. xvi; चिचीषति ( [Pāṇ. 7-3, 58] ; [Kāś.; vi, 4, 16,] [ed. विवीष्°] [Kāś.] ) to wish to accumulate or collect, [Kir. ii, 19; iii, 11] : Desid. Caus. ( p. चिचीषयत्) to cause any one to wish to arrange in order, [Bhaṭṭ. iii, 33] : Intens. चेचीयते, [Kāś.] on [Pāṇ. 7-3, 58; 4, 25 and 82.] चि 2.Ved. cl. 3. (चिकेति, fr. √ कि, [Dhātup. xv, 19] ; Impv. चिकेतु, [TS.] ; Subj. Ā. चि॑केत; impf. अचिकेत्, [RV. x, 51, 3] ; aor. 2. pl. Ā. अ॑चिध्वम्, [RV.] ; 3. sg. अचैत्; चिकयाम् अकः [fr. √ 4.चित्, [Gmn.] ], vi, 44, 7) to observe, perceive (with acc. or gen. ), [RV.] ; [Kāṭh. viii, 10] ; to fix the gaze upon, be intent upon, [RV. v, 55, 7] ; [TS. iii] ; to seek for, [RV. vi, 44, 7] : Class. cl. 5. चिनोति ( p. °न्वत्, Ā. °न्वान) to seek for, investigate, search through, make inquiries ( cf. √ 1.), [MBh. iii, 2659] ; [Bhartṛ.] ; [Kathās. xxvi, 136] : Intens. चेकिते See √ 4.चित्; चि [cf. Lat. scio.] चि 3.cl. 1. च॑यते (p. च॑यमान) to detest, hate ([Nir. iv, 25] ), [RV. i, 167, 8 and 190, 5; vii, 52, 2] ; to revenge, punish, take vengeance on ( acc. ), ii, 27, 4; ix, 47, 2; [AitBr. ii, 7] ; ([ cf. अ॑पचिति, काति; τίνομαιτινά, τίω, τίσις, ποινή.])