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   { jambhḥ, jambha }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
JAMBHA   A Daitya (Asura). He was the chief among those who snatched away Amṛta from the hands of Dhanvantari. [Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 3] . In the Purāṇas several Asuras (demons) bearing the name Jambha are mentioned. It is stated in [Mahābhārata, Sabhā Parva, Dākṣiṇātyapāṭha, Chapter  38] , that Śrī Kṛṣṇa killed an Asura named Jambha. Mention is made in [Mahābhārata, Sabhā Parva, Chapter 98, Stanza 49] that the teacher Śukra refused to help a Jambha whom Indra killed later. It occurs in [Mahābhārata, Vana Parva, Chapter 102, Stanza 24] , that Mahāviṣṇu had killed an asura called Jambha. It is stated in [Mahābhārata, Vana Parva, Chapter 285, Stanza 2] , that a group of Jambhāsuras, who had undergone training under Rāvaṇa, once attacked Hanūmān. Another Jambhāsura had been killed by Arjuna, as stated in [Mahābhārata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 49] . All these Dānavas (Asuras) were sons of Kaśyapa born of his wife Danu.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : दाढ़, तरकश, जबड़ा, जंभ


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जम्भ  m. am. a tooth, eye-tooth, tusk, (pl.) set of teeth, mouth, jaws, [RV.] ; [VS. xi, 79] (du.), ; xv, 15; [AV. iii, 27, 1-6]
   swallowing, [RV. i, 37, 5]
°भ   () one who crushes or swallows (as a demon), [AV. ii, 4, 2; viii, 1, 16] ; [Kauś.]
शिवादि   (g.) N. of several demons (conquered by विष्णु or कृष्ण, [MBh. iii, v, vii] ; [Hariv.] ; by इन्द्र, [MBh.] ), [MBh. i, 2105; iii, 16365] ; [Hariv. 13227] ; [BhP. viii, 10, 21]
   a leader of the demons in the war against the gods under इन्द्र, [MārkP. xviii, 16]
   N. of a son (of प्रह्राद, [Hariv. 12461] ; of हिरण्य-कशिपु, 12914)
   of the father-in-law of हिरण्य-कशिपु, [BhP. vi, 18, 11]
   of सुन्द's father, R i, 27, 7
   इन्द्र's thunderbolt, [Gal.]
   a charm (?), [MBh. v, 64, 20]
°भिन्   = , [L.]
   a quiver, [L.]
   a part, portion, [L.]
जम्भ   cf.कु-, त॑पुर्., तिग्म॑-, तृष्ट-, वीलु॑-
सु-जम्भ   and अन्तर्-जम्भ॑ ([cf.γαμφηλαί.])
सु जम्भ
जम्भ   b See √ 1.जभ्.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जम्भः [jambhḥ]   [जभ्-अच्-नुम्]
   The jaws (usally in pl.).
   A tooth.
   Biting asunder.
   A part, portion.
   A quiver.
   The chin.
   Yawning, gaping.
  N. N. of a demon killed by Indra.
   One who devours a demon.
   Explanation, interpretation.
   The citron tree.
   The bellows; L. D. B. -Comp.
-अरातिः, -द्विष्, -भेदिन्, -रिपुः   epithets of Indra.
   अरिः fire.
   Indra's thunderbolt.
   Indra.-साधक a. possessing knowledge of medicine; इति ते कथयन्ति स्म ब्राह्मणा जम्भसाधकाः [Mb.5.64.2.]
जम्भ [jambha] म्भी [mbhī] रः [rḥ]   (म्भी) रः The lime or citron tree.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जम्भ  m.  (-म्भः)
   1. A tooth.
   2. The lime.
   3. Food, victuals.
   4. The chin.
   5. A quiver.
   6. A part, a portion.
   7. The name of a demon.
   E. जभि to destroy, affix अच् and नुम् . दैत्यभेदे . करणे घञ् दन्ते . कर्मणि घञ् जम्बीरे . भावे घञ् भक्षणे . कर्मणि घञ् अंशे . करणे घञ् तूणे हनौ च .
जभि अच् नुम् . दैत्यभेदे . करणे घञ् दन्ते . कर्मणि घञ् जम्बीरे . भावे घञ् भक्षणे . कर्मणि घञ् अंशे . करणे घञ् तूणे हनौ च .

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