Dictionaries | References


   { juhōtiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
जुहोति  m. m. a technical name for those sacrificial ceremonies to which √ हु (not √ यज्) is applied, KātyŚr.; [Mn. ii, 84]
xi, 223; [Kull.]


जुहोतिः [juhōtiḥ]   A technical name for those sacrificial ceremonies to which the verb जुहोति is applied as distinguished from those to which यजति is applied; क्षरन्ति सर्वा वैदिक्यो जुहोतियजतिक्रियाः [Ms.2.84.] (See Medhātithi and other commentators; सर्वज्ञनारायण shortly renders जुहोति by उपविष्टहोम and यजति by तिष्ठद्धोम. See [Āśvalāyana 1.] 2.5 also); cf. also जुहोतिरासेचनाधिकः स्यात् [MS.4.2.28.] यजतिरेवासेचनाधिको जुहोतिः । ŚB. on [MS.4.2.28.]

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