परितस् [paritas] ind. (Usually with a noun in the acc., sometimes by itself)
All around, on all sides, round about, in all directions, everywhere, on every side; रक्षांसि वेदीं परितो निरास्थत् [Bk.1.12;] [Śi.5.26;9.36;] [Ś.4.8;3.26.] [Ki.1.14;] गाहितमखिलं गहनं परितो दृष्टाश्च विटपिनः सर्वे [Bv.1.21,29.]
Towards, in the direction of, आपेदिरेऽम्बरपथं परितः पतङ्गाः [Bv.1.17;] [R.9.66.]
परि-तस् n. ind. (
fr. परि) round about, all around, everywhere (न-परितः, by no means, not at all), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
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